Chapter 9

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 Deep in the forest, under the shade of the trees, a small troop was packing up their setup from the previous night. One member was running around the camp, checking up on everyone to make sure they were packing up according to schedule and were able to head out as soon as they could. Having sped across the entire setup, she checked everything off on the list in her head as she made her way over to the one directing it all.

"Everything is on schedule, sir."

"Thank you, Bee." The other turned around, his cloak following his motion as it draped around him as his movement stopped. His hair and skin were a golden, vivid yellow and seemed to let off a soft glow under the dawning sunlight. His hair was parted on his right, slight bangs covering some of his forehead as the rest of it followed the direction and nothing else. It looked like electricity had caused the ends of his hair to stick up, or at least, not stay down. They stuck out at the ends but as much as he tried to fix it, he couldn't. He just embraced it.

He gave her a polite but genuine smile as he glanced around. "Probably won't be long until we find them, right?"

"I don't believe it will take much longer, sir. After all, the council members always get the job done and you always get yours done the quickest, sir." Bee smiled brightly.

"Please, don't call me sir, I was never one for formalities." He chuckled, putting his hands in his pockets. "At least not in front of the other members. They'll just think you're not respecting me but they don't get it."

She chuckled and nodded. "Of course, Lightning."

He laughed along softly before speaking. "Tell them that we'll split into three teams, going towards the north, east, and west since we've already covered the south portion of the forest. We'll regroup back here when the sun begins to set. If any group is to find the location of their camp, they are not to engage, simply head back to this area and we are to march there together."

Bee nodded. "Okay... but why would you have them pack up if we're just going to come back?"

"Maybe someone will happen to stumble upon our camp, know we're coming, and then immediately change positions or just leave entirely. We can't risk that." Lightning glanced around before chuckling and leaning in. "Plus, it's good practice and they can get on my nerves about it later. I like messing with them."

The other let out a giggle as she looked back up at the other. "Alright, sir— uh, Lightning... Lightning. I'll get on that." She stuttered, a slight flush running on her cheeks as she fixed herself a little and ran off to inform the others of their plan.


Alabaster had spent most of his day walking around aimlessly as he watched the entire small community make the most of what they had. They had their roles but it wasn't like they had jobs or a purpose, they just lived the best life they could and this small fact made him smile. He only wished that he could live the life they do without standing out.

He glanced down at his hands. The white of his skin reflected the sun to make it only more luminous than it needed to be. His fingers curled into fists as he threw his hands down to his sides. He hated looking at them. He would have asked for anything else if he could've.

Alabaster sighed, kicking the grass at his feet before deciding to take a seat under a tree and try something he had accomplished once: making fire.

He rolled up his sleeve, just in case, as he felt the anger in him towards himself grow in the slightest. But then he remembered Ink's words. He shouldn't have tried to rely on anger just to fuel something that would quickly die out. Instead, he took a deep breath and glanced around, looking for inspiration for what he wanted to save, what he wanted to change. He spotted the few that found him and kind of took him in as a part of their family. He smiled at them and he knew that using the power that he had, he wanted to change the world for all of them. They believed in him too.

Colors : The Spectrum of LightOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant