Chapter 2

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Alabaster had run off to find more Pinks. He knew they had all been a White once, so at least one of them had to remember further back in time. But as he asked around, no one had any memory of their induction let alone their childhood. They all told him the memory of their first day. That for everyone was their earliest memory. This didn't make sense. Was he missing something? It was like everything from before then had been erased. Wiped from their mind.

It hit him.

Maybe their memories were wiped. But why? Why would anyone do that? He needed to look deeper. He needed to see the history of this society. What better place than the library?

Of course the library would have limited knowledge considering that they're not even allowed to be told what happens after your induction, but it probably still had more information than he had at the moment.

Once he arrived, he quickly asked the librarian where he could find information on the foundation of their society and its roots. They gave him directions and he ran off, trying not to waste any time.

He scanned the shelves, pulling out as many books as he could, skimming through each and every one but finding no information that he found useful. He groaned as he continued to look, his search becoming more and more pointless as the books began repeating themselves.

"This is useless. Why can't I just magically find the things I need when I need them?" He grumbled quietly, still respecting the rules of the library.

He trudged back to the shelf to start putting books back but when he tried, they didn't go in all the way. He pushed them in harder and they still wouldn't budge. Confused, he looked to see what hadn't been there before when he took the books out.

The base of the shelf had popped out as if the pressure of the books had been holding it down. He thought about this for a moment, pushing down the popped out portion and watching it rise again when the pressure was removed. It was almost as if someone had set this up so that if anyone was desperate for answers, they'd read all the books, find nothing and then this would appear.

That or maybe for someone cleaning the shelves but that was a far less satisfying explanation.

Curious, he looked around in case anyone was watching before slowly pulling it up to reveal a small, dusty and disheveled book. It was as if no one had touched this for years. Decades even. He opened it slowly, careful not to break the fragile binding, and before he could read the first page, a slip of old, folded paper fell out and slowly drifted its way to the floor.

He unfolded it and read the inscription.

Long ago, we split ten ways

Given purposes to fulfill our days

It was deemed wrong to be more than one

The violence had only just begun

Hail the one who dares be bold

Share the secret, one untold

The one of all shall share the truth

For they are hidden among the youth

Alabaster reread this multiple times. It had seemed like some sort of prophecy but he had no idea of what it meant. He looked at the book which he still hadn't read and immediately opened it to read the first page. It was handwritten. The same handwriting as on the paper. He sat down and made sure no one was looking as he began to read.

Long ago, light shone down on our earth. It's light bringing life to all. From that light, life was created. The light refracted and gave birth to new beings and for many millennia we have been split up in our colors and creating the huemans we know to be.

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