Chapter 10

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Magnolia was running around and picking flowers, tying them together with more stems and any thin vines she could find. Weaving the blossoms together, she carefully placed them on top of Alabaster's head and smiled brightly.

"Tada!" She said, holding out her hands which focused on his head.

Alabaster gave her a sweet smile and gently patted the delicate, silky petals of the flowers before glancing over to Bolt who was walking over to them. Magnolia noticed before Alabaster could speak and she beamed. "Bolt! I'm going to make you one too!" She ran over and grabbed his hand, practically dragging him over. "Wait here!" She said before running off to pick more flowers.

Alabaster chuckled as Bolt sighed and sat down, folding his legs and glancing over. "Well, it looks like I'm stuck. I know if I leave now she won't stop until she finds me." He laughed.

Alabaster laughed as well. "I don't see that as a bad thing." He sighed and smiled. "Well, how do I look? Not like I can exactly see my own head."

Bolt let out a chuckle. "Exquisite."

Alabaster held back a smirk before laughing and Bolt followed suit. Alabaster sighed and returned his breath to normalcy as he asked, "You wanted something? You were walking over here and she caught you before I could." A few stray chuckles tangled in his words.

"Oh, yeah..." Bolt replied, clearing his throat as he played with the grass a little. "For one, they found a troop out in the woods who were getting too close to the camp. They're most likely out for you."

Alabaster's smile faltered. "A troop?"

"Yeah, they probably sent out search parties to look for you, I guess they really don't want you getting away."

"So, by staying here, I'm just endangering all of you?"

"No, no," Bolt insisted quickly, his hands shaking back and forth as emphasis. "Well, kind of..." he said quietly. "But there's nothing we can do about it. If they find the camp with you in it or not regardless, they're going to detain and kill because the fewer of us there are the better for them. I'm just saying we need to prepare."

Alabaster thought to himself. If I wasn't here to begin with, they wouldn't be prowling around, would they? He sighed and looked up and then back at Bolt. "Does everyone else know about this? How are you planning to do this?"

"Well it's either we pack up shop and move or we stay and fight the odds. The only problem with both is that we don't know how many there are out there, there may be more groups split up but we don't know, and they probably won't stop until they find you so if we move, we'll have to keep moving."

Alabaster looked him in the eyes with a concerned look before staring down at the grass. "Even then it's a bunch of kids fighting a probably well-trained troop. Bolt, I don't want to have everyone fight if they don't have to—"

"We don't even know if they have found us yet and the forest is huge." Bolt smiled. "There's no need to rush into a decision yet but we just know that they're coming." He paused, looking around at everyone in their own lives before turning back to the other. "Everyone here is willing to fight because that's what we were practically born to do. The children of revolutionaries. We knew we were going to have some impact on this world because we wanted to make it so, a lot of us just didn't think that it would happen so soon."

So even out here you're born to do something. I thought I could've escaped that. Alabaster thought to himself quietly before sighing and looking back to Bolt. "Well, I don't know why you're asking the final decision to come from me. I alone should not be the reason people want to stay or go or risk their lives if they don't have to. They should decide that for themselves."

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