Chapter 4

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Alabaster woke up the next morning, tired and feeling somewhat beat up. His eyes darted across the somewhat empty and dull room. One he's lived in all his life. This was the last day he'd wake up in this environment. He wouldn't miss it.

He slowly rose out of bed, his feet making their stance on the cold floor. He stood up and stretched, glancing over to the small window that shed off a welcoming yellow hue. It was sunny. He sighed, it may as well have been raining because he couldn't appreciate the Sun at the moment. His thoughts surged throughout his mind, interrupting themselves and confusing him. What he would give to be anyone else right now.

Tiredly, he got dressed in his plain uniform. Basic white button-up with white pants. Everything he wore was white. He never exactly had a choice. Everyone was forced to wear this. Unless it got warmer, they could choose to wear shorts or skirts. There was never much variety in his life. He wondered what being able to choose felt like.

Maybe that could change today. If he escaped of course.

What would he see? What would he find? What's even out in the world? Now thinking about it, he never actually once thought about what he would come across in the wild, out in nature. Then again, he never needed to think about these things.

Alabaster looked over at the small clock on his dresser. He had woken up pretty early, it was only about seven but the Sun had already risen. He had until about eleven-thirty when they would look for him and Ivory and take them both to the induction building. He didn't even know where it was, what it looked like, where the doors were, it seemed that he would have to do all of his thinking while inside but there was only so much time he would have.

He sighed. He was already stressing out and nothing had even happened. How was he even going to do this? If they get caught they'd surely be killed, so why was he risking it? Was it really worth it? What were they even going to do out there?

He groaned, putting his head in his hands as he told himself not to worry about anything. He would have to ask Ivory about what she thought anyway. She probably had more of a plan.

In the meantime, he disposed of any thoughts relating to the Induction Ceremony, leaving them for later. He tied the laces of his white boots and headed towards the door. He turned back for a moment. As much as the room was plain, boring and just overall colorless, he still chuckled at how it reminded him of his life. It was nothing special, but the things in it had value to him. The room was a memory, and he had to let it go.

He took a breath as he faced the hallway, this time not looking back as he hesitantly took a step forward and shut the door behind him.

As he walked down the hall and down a few flights of stairs, he noticed not many people were wandering the halls like normal. Maybe because it was so early? It would only make sense. He left the building and took a look around, still no one in sight. He huffed, he couldn't even talk to anyone.

As he walked, he found himself humming the short tune of the song he wrote. He sang the words in his head but as he came back to the last verse, he still couldn't remember. He really wished he could. It was like a piece in his mind had been torn out. It saddened him a little to realize that he was already forgetting such good memories, but some part of him told him it was the process of moving on. Of course he didn't want to agree with that voice of reason in his head but it was the truth.

He desperately needed someone to talk to. Even if it was just for a minute, all he wanted to do was get his own voice out of his head. He was tired of his thoughts. He was just done with them. He couldn't find himself to care, at this point, it was just noise richochting on the inside of his skull.

He didn't know what to do with himself. He had nothing to do, nothing to look forward to. He chuckled darkly at that last thought. Nothing to look forward to.

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