Chapter 2

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Alexis was eating lunch when she felt something wet hit her head. She heard laughing behind her.

"Mudblood." Almost everyone was laughing as she wiped the mashed potatoes out of her hair.

"Poor girl." Alexis heard someone mumble.

"Why doesn't she do anything about it?"

"Is she really a Gryffindor? Why would she let someone treat her like that?"

Alexis stood up and walked out. She headed to her dorm and took a quick shower. She had a break for the next hour so she decided to sit in the library and read. Everyone always says Hogwarts is their escape from home, but Alexis can't relate. Her life at Hogwarts is just as bad as at home. Her only escape was books.

When Alexis had first gotten her Hogwarts letter she had been so excited. She would finally get to go to a school with people exactly like her. Start over, but she had been wrong. Everyone was the exact same. Nobody cared about anyone else.

Alexis walked up to the astronomy tower and looked off of the balcony. Would anyone even really miss me? She imagined what it would be like to finally be free. Nobody would even notice if she was gone.


"Mom Alexis won't play with me!" Alexis' little sister Claira yelled.

"Alexis, play with your sister!"

"I don't wanna!"

"Just because you got that stupid letter doesn't mean you can do whatever you want! You're here to keep the house clean! You're nothing special. In fact you're even more useless now."

"Ha hear that? Mum still thinks you're useless. Nobody will ever love you! Don't you kinda miss the tradition where they would burn witches?" Claira ran out of the room laughing.

Alexis hated everything about her life. Just one more month and she'd be free, off to a new life.

End flashback

Alexis sighed and stepped away from the edge. She was too scared to actually do it of course. She really didn't belong in Gryffindor. She wasn't brave at all, and she had no friends either. Friendship and Courage, that's what Gryffindor is but not Alexis.

Alexis walked to history of magic and sat in the very back.

"Looks like we're in the same class." Alexis looked up to see Remus Lupin. "Can I sit here?"

"Why don't you sit with your friends?"

"They'll be fine without me."

"Sure." He sat down on the chair.

"So what was your name?" Why was he being nice to her? He had never noticed her before. Maybe this was one of his pranks. His friends always pulled pranks.


"I just want to know. Maybe we could be friends."

"Why would you want to be my friend?"

"You seem like a cool person."

Alexis snorted. "Cool? I have never been cool."

"That can't be true. I bet you was super popular at your school before Hogwarts." Alexis pulled out a book and ignored him. She wasn't going to let anyone know about her past.

"Sorry, did I say something wrong."

"Just quit pretending to care. We all know that you and your friends don't actually care about others. It's all jokes and laughing with you guys."

"Is that what you really think about us?"


"Well I'm sorry that that's your impression of us. We're not all bad. Sure, a couple of harmless pranks."

"Right, Sirius Black goes around like he's the most amazing person in the world, James Potter acts like he's too good for anyone else, Peter pettigrew, well I haven't actually found anything wrong with Peter, but still, and you. You don't have anything wrong with you. You just have the most perfect and amazing life. Everybody likes you and your stupid friends. You have zero troubles."

"Don't judge me before you know me. You don't know anything." He stood up and walked to his friends.

Alexis watched him sit down and put a smile on his face. Maybe that's why she doesn't have friends. She's not quick to trust. How can she just trust anyone?

Alexis had a solid reason why she didn't like the marauders. They were the first ones to say anything mean about her. They were the reason that she realized that Hogwarts was going to be the exact same as every other school. Ever since then her fate was sealed. If the marauders made fun of someone then anyone could. She was always being picked on. She hated the Marauders.

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