Chapter 9

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The very first night that she was home her parents punished her for doing something wrong. She had no idea what she did, but that didn't matter. She snuck out after everyone was asleep and went to the abandoned house. She spotted an owl and grabbed the letter quickly.

'Dear Alexis,

I know we only barely got home, but I thought I would write anyway. How is your summer so far?


Alexis smiled at the letter and pulled out a quill and ink.

'Dear Remus,

My summer is going okay. It has only been about 6 hours. What's your favorite thing to do during the summer?


Alexis sent the letter with the owl and waited a while hoping he would write back tonight. Just as she was about to leave, she got a letter. She grabbed it and read with a smile.

'Dear Alexis,

My favorite thing to do during the summer? Usually it would be to spend time with my mum, but I think this year it has to be writing to you. Besides, my parents went on a business trip, so I'm home alone. I can get pretty lonely but with you writing to me I think I'll survive.


Alexis wrote back in a hurry.

' Remus,

You're very sweet. I'm sure you have much better stuff to do during the summer than write to me. Still I appreciate it. I enjoy reading your letters. Maybe we should do this more often.


Another letter arrived in no time.


I'm not joking about my favorite thing. I'm completely Sirius. Sorry, the boys have rubbed off on me. I cringed as I wrote that. It's getting quite late. I'll let you go to bed. Goodnight, sweet dreams.


She was sad at the thought of not writing to him more.


Goodnight, sweet dreams. Promise to write to me tomorrow.



That was the only word in the next letter. Alexis gathered all of the letters from Remus. She sighed and snuck back into her bedroom and went to sleep.

The two spent all their nights writing to each other, except the night of the full moon.


"You stupid girl!" Alexis heard her dad call from downstairs. He came stomping down the steps and appeared in the kitchen with papers in his hands. He seemed drunk. "Your sister said you had been sneaking out. You've been writing letters."

"Those are mine. You looked through my room."

"You can't write letters to people."

"Give them back." This was the first time Alexis had ever dared talk back to her dad.

"You ungrateful brat. You're more trouble than your worth." He pulled out a gun.

Alexis backed up in fear. "Dad."

He shot the gun and Alexis felt a sharp pain in her arm. She ran out the back door and to the abandoned house. She found a letter and ripped it open.

'Dear Alexis,

I just found out that Sirius has run away from home. He is staying at James'. I decided to join them. If you want to write to any of them you can. I will deliver it to them.


Perfect. Alexis quickly scribbled some stuff down on the paper. Her arm was aching as she wrote, but she ignored the pain.


Remus sat in the kitchen talking with James and Sirius as an owl landed next to him. He opened the letter.

'Please give this to Sirius. Nobody else read it.'

After reading the first line Remus handed the letter to Sirius.

'Sirius, I need your help. You're the only one who knows about things at home. I was shot and am currently hiding. I can't go back home and I need your help. Here's the address to where I am.'

The address was at the bottom.

Sirius jumped up and ran out the door.

"Where are you going? What's wrong?" Remus called after him.

"I'll be back."

Sirius got to the address to see cop cars all over. There was a man being put in a cop car. Sirius ran over to the cops.

"My friend wrote me a letter telling me she got shot. Where is she?"

"Can we see the letter?"


"The girl is missing. We can't find her." Sirius pulled out the letter and ripped the address off. "We're going to keep the letter as evidence. You can go home kid, we'll figure it out and find your friend."

Sirius walked away and hid in an alleyway. He turned into a dog and walked to an abandoned house. It seemed to be the exact address. He searched every room and eventually found Alexis curled up sleeping. Her arm was bleeding and she had tears on her face. He turned back into a human and picked her up carefully.

"We need to get you to a hospital. I'm sorry but Remus and James need to know."

Sirius brought her to st.Mungo's hospital and then wrote to Remus and James.

'Remus and James,

Alexis is at St.Mungo's. Come visit.


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