My New Life

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Arianne's alarm clock went off and she sprung up from her covers. She was startled, but realized that she had to wake up. As she groggily made her way to her bathroom, she remembered the conversation she and Ezra had before she went to bed. She wondered when she would see him and the crew again. But that didn't matter anymore. She had a new life to look forward to. The doors slid open and Arianne confidently marched down the hallway. Arianne exited the elevator and entered a hallway filled with offices. At the very end of the room was a door and she walked into that room.

"Arianne," Ahsoka looked up, "I'm glad you're here."

Arianne silently sat down and waited for Ahsoka to say something.

"I have several jobs to do everyday: to watch over the rebels, gather intel, communicate with rebels both here and on missions, plan battles, and train the younger ones. Which jobs would you like to do?" Ahsoka said.
"I could gather intel and watch over the rebels," Arianne thought out loud.
"That would leave me with training and battle plans and communication. I think you should communicate with the rebels here and I'll talk with the rebels on missions. That's fair, right?"
"Sounds good to me. Who do I talk to?"
"Anyone. People on the ship. People in the hospital. Some of the maintenance crew."

Arianne nodded. At least it would take my mind off of the crew, Arianne thought. Ahsoka stood up and walked over towards the door and opened it. Arianne focused and looked at her.

"Let me show you everything else you'll be doing," Ahsoka simply said before leaving.

Arianne quickly got up and followed her. As they returned to the large cockpit area, they entered this little section of computers just below the catwalk. Ahsoka stopped over it and Arianne peered down.

"So...what's this?" Arianne asked.
"It's the place where we store all of our intelligence for later use. People go to the computers and insert information they learned. It's also a place where we try and hack signals and messages from other star destroyers or TIEs," Ahsoka replied. "You can hack computers, right?"
"Anyway, let's move on and see your other job."

Ahsoka led Arianne over to the elevator and entered it. The doors closed and Arianne waited for Ahsoka to press a button. Instead, Ahsoka closed her eyes and after a few seconds, a blue light above them in the center of the ceiling, turned on. Suddenly, Arianne felt the elevator shift backwards. She nearly lost her balance. As she regained her equilibrium, she looked over at Ahsoka. The doors opened on the opposite side they entered and they we brought to a small secret room. It must be Ahsoka's communication room. Arianne instantly walked over to the communication system and ran her fingers over the buttons.

"Don't touch that. You don't want to accidentally call someone," Ahsoka said.

Arianne pulled her fingers away and Ahsoka took a seat on a chair. Arianne noticed a desk with plans, notes, and a few computer chips. Above the desk, there were two lights. Both were dark, but one had a red tint and the other had a green tint.

"So, how does this work?" Arianne asked.
"There's a schedule on my desk. Those are rebel cells that must be contacted by me. They either need some advice or some supplies. Just make sure that you don't give them the wrong advice or something. Otherwise, your job will be taken away," Ahsoka replied.

Ahsoka led Arianne over to the keypad with all the buttons on it. She taught Arianne the difference buttons and demonstrated by calling a rebel cell and talking to them. Arianne would shadows Ahsoka and this job for a week before starting. As they returned to the cockpit, Arianne was told to try and get to know the people aboard the ship. As she traveled into the main lobby where many rebels were, her attention was caught by a strange group of rebels. She was quite confused on her task. Was her job simply to talk to others? Nervous, she mindlessly walked up to the group. A golden droid turned around and stared at her. There was also a smaller droid.

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