29 (Frank)

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Frank sat still as a medical device was wrapped around his arm. He stared off at the gray wall as it began to squeeze his arm tighter and tighter and tighter and tighter-


Frank blinked at the sound of his name. He turned to the door to see Ray doubled over, breathing heavily. He raised his head, eyeing Frank with amazement. "You're alright?"

"Please refrain from exciting him." The medical evaluator said flatly as he pulled the device from Frank's arm.

"Of course, sir." Ray panted as he came further into the small room. "Just... Just had to see him."

The medical evaluator said nothing. He set his device in a cabinet before grabbing his clipboard and noting something down.

Ray took the now empty spot beside Frank. "I can't believe you're okay."

"Why wouldn't I be?" Frank asked. His mind was still a fog. He was barely able to respond to basic questions from the evaluator. He wasn't even sure why he was here.

"I mean, that rebel leader took you." Ray replied. His breathing was finally calming to an even pace. "Had your dad in a fury like I've never seen."

"Rebel leader?" Frank squinted at Ray. He could almost see a face in his head, but the fog covered it from coming through. "I don't remember any of that."

"Which is probably for the best." A new voice cut in, bringing all three men in the room to attention. The Force Captain walked in, eyeing all of them before instructing them to drop their salute. "Mister Toro, I believe my son need some rest."

"Apologies, Force Captain." Ray kept his head down. "I wanted to see him, but I'll now leave him to recover."

Frank watched Ray get up, noting a fear in his eyes as he moved past the Force Captain and quickly out of the room. Frank then turned his attention to the Captain himself, who wasn't paying Frank any attention.

"Well?" He questioned the medical evaluator.

"Physically, he seems normal, minus the bruising on his arm." The man shrugged, "Mentally there seem to be roadblocks, but it may be the trauma of what he saw and experienced on the planet's surface. I already have the prescription to soothe any symptoms of that ready."

"Trauma?" Frank looked down as the Force Captain seemed to notice him for the first time.

"Force Soldier, do you really not remember anything?" The Captain asked with a raised eyebrow.

Frank shook his head. Planet's surface. Rebel leaders. All things he heard in passing, but didn't make sense in relation to him. He felt so tired just thinking about it all.

"Don't think too hard." The Captain laughed. "We'll get it all sorted. In the meantime, you'll take your medication and prepare for the Force Commander's arrival as planned."

"Yes..." That he remembered. The Force Commander would be coming to the base. He would be inspecting... Meeting... and then having a dinner with top officials. "Yes, sir."

"That's a good soldier." The Captain replied, slapping a hand down on Frank's shoulder. He squeezed it tightly, making Frank wince. "Glad to have you back, son."

Frank looked forward, towards the gray wall again. Its surface was smooth and flat, free of any blemishes or imperfections. His brow furrowed as he looked at it. Was that what it was supposed to look like?

"Force Soldier?" The grip on his shoulder became even tighter, bringing a significant pain with it.

"Yes, Force Captain." Frank responded, shutting his eyes and cutting off his questions.

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