Meeting her

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Garrett slowly opend his eyes.The world around him was blurred. His body feelt heavy and he could bearly move.

Trying to discern his enviornment Garrett noticed that it looked familiar. There where some trees and large building. It was Moira asylum. He would never forget this place.

Garrett tried to remember how did he get here. The last thing he rememberd was pain. He where holding a diamond when pain suddenly started.

Garrett tried to stand up, but he was still weak. Somehow he managed to stand still.

He didn't know what happend.

"Good morning, Master thief." women's woice came to Garrett. He turned around and saw a girl. Somwere around 17.

Garrett looked at her. The girl smiled. Her long black hair fluttering on wind. Orange eyes piercing throught his soul.

"How do you know me and who are you?" Garrett more demanded than asked.

"Well, at first those posters do not do you any good, you know." she took out poster "WANTED" with his picture. "As for me, I am Raizor." Raizor said bowing,"And your name?

Should he trusted her? "Well, telling her my name can't be bad." "Garrett, it's Garrett." Garrett said, "What happend?" he rubed his right eye, he still feelt a little pain.

Razor took out the diamond:"Remember this?" Garrett nodded and Raizor continued:"Well this is called Dragon eye, I guess you can see why. Dragon eye is wery valuable and powerful. Perfect for greedy, in both way." she stooped like she is thinking of something. Than she continues:"I know that you have Primal in your eye, from last month events, and you can thank it for keeping you alive. This power usually kills, you know."

Garrett was confused. To much has happend, he didn't even know what was Raizor talking.

Raizor continued:"You where afected by it's power, not as with Primal, but I guess it still hurts. This is nothing too dangerous, but I will keep an eye on you, alright. "

Garrett still wasn't convinced. "Well if she helps me... Besides I need that diamond. I'll have to trust her. For now." "Fine."Garrett finaly said. "But how do I know you won't surrender me to the Watch?" Garrett asked her suspiciously. He didn't trust people easily. Raizor smiled and extended her arm:"I give you my word. Besides I don't have a reason nor wish to see you hang."

Garrett looked at her for a moment then finaly shake her hand.

"Now, we got to put that power that is inside you, back to where it belongs."
Raizor looked at diamond and continued:"Alright, you will came here tomorow. This is lonly place, perfect for me and you to hide. Now you can go to your home."

Garrett looked at the sea. There were no waves, but he still didn't like it. He'll have to go by boat.
He didn't like them, they are not his thing.

When they got to the beach, there was small boat tied to the dock. Garrett got inside and grabed the paddles. Raizor gived him last warning:"I want to see you here tomorow. For your good." Garrett nodded and began to row.

While on his way to The City, moon already rose. The snow was begining to fall, the first snow this winter.

In The City evryone where inside their houses, so it was easy for Garrett to slip in the Clock tower.

Once inside, he went straight to bed. The headache was starting.

He didn't take with him the diamond and he didn't want to. But he will be back for him, besides he'll have to take out of him this power. If that was true.

The sleep came to him quikly.

At Moira asylum, Raizor were waching the sea, Dragon eye floating in her hand. Her orange eyes, that were glowing like the diamond, turned to diamond. "You chose him...
Why? Well, I respect that, I just hope you are right." Razor sighed and disipear somewhere in the woods.


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