Once a thief,always a thief

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Garrett opend his eyes.
Raizor were right above his face, almost touching him.

"What are you doing?"

Razor grined. Garrett tried to stand up, but Raizor stoped him. She puted her big hand on his chest and pressed him to the ground.

Garrett glared at her, but did nothing.

"Tell me, what do you say for another job?"
"I trought after this, job is done."
"Well..." Raizor said and straightned her long neck.
"This job is done. But another one? One you're surely get payed?"
"I am not a foll, Raizor."

Raizor laughed with her harsh voice.

"Of that I am sure. Besides I wouldn't be asking otherwise. So what do you say?"

"I say that this doesn't seem safe."
Garrett said suspiciously, but got only more laughing from Raizor.

"Fine... I know when I'm beaten. But if you change your mind...
I'll be here." Raizor winked.

Garrett said nothing. He stood up, but feelt sharp pain.
Raizor looked down at him, concerne in her orange eyes.
It didn't took long to Garrett to realaise that pain is from snake bite. Raizor smiled and gived him "it's ok" look.

Raizor sugested Garrett to bring him to city and he acepted.

The flying was short. Raizor took the risk to bring Garrett to Clock tower. It was night so she were pracktly invisible from the ground.

Garrett got inside. He turned around to face Raizor, that were holding on little window. Garrett thanked her. He and she turned to live. But Garrett stoped.

"I acept the job." he said over shoulder.

Raizor nodded in understanding and took of. When she were far away she said to herself:
"So you chose to fight. You won't be disipointed, trust me."


At Clock tower, Garrett writed a mesage and handed it to crow Allin. Mesage read:"Job falied."

Basso would be angry, Garrett was sure. Right now he didn't want to exsplain anything. He would see him some other time.

Unfortunatly, he weren't at piace for long. Something smashed into Clock tower. Raizor returned.

Garrett apporached her at window. When he were at her reach she grabed him and pullied out. Sound of suprize and disiproval could be heard from Garrett. Raizor just hollded him by shoulders.

She bringed her head down so she could look him in the eyes.
He were clearly unhappy.

"Plan's changed. You are going to visit somone."

Confusion were shown in Garrett's eyes, but he keept quiet.
"Plan's changed ha? Something isn't right. She's hiding something, just like Tarune." trought made him frown. He was in mercy of a dragon he wasn't even sure he could trust. Garrett definitly didn't like this.

Flyght was long and Garrett's arms started to hurt.

Raizor's wings were only sound in the night. And snow were only making everything quieter. It was lonly night and freezing to.
Not that Garrett was against it.

His feet finaly toched cold ground. Everything around them were already coverd in snow. Just footprints were in them. It led somwere in the woods.

He started folowing Raizor that semed to be lost in throughts.

Eventualy, they came to huge house in midlle of nowere.

Garrett knocked, as Raizor told him, and door opend reaviling old, but strong man. He didn't pay much atention to Garrett, his glance passed to Raizor. His eyes widend and his lips formed into smile.

They got inside. Warmth of fire came to them. Place were nothing like outside. It were empty. Just bookshelves, table with cees on it and chairs. A fireplace also, but the place were just feeling empty and lonly.

Raizor and man were talking something quietly which rised Garretts suspicious even more.
But man turned to him and said:
"I know you are confused. Just as I was at begining. But I assure you there's nothing to wory about."

"Who are you." Garrett asked cold.

"I am Raizor's master. And I think it's time that you become master to your own dragon."

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