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Quite at Moira asylum was abnormal. No birds no wind, nothing.

Garrett noticed that. He didn't know why, but didn't care. He just focused on finding Raizor.

He stood in the yard. Thinking about his dream. He wonder does Raizor know. Well, soon he'll find out. Behind him was a sound of somebody moving trought trees.

"Ah! You came. Actualy I'm suprized. Hehehe!" Razor teased. Before Garrett even opend his mouth Raizor continued:"I believe that you had the dream? And that you got some questons?" Garrett nodded.

"What do I have to do with all of this?" Garrett asked her. "Well you have certain skills that I and Tarune could use. You have to steal something for me and I will help you." Razor smiled. "What and were?" Garrett asked. Raizor smiled again, she were happy that he will help. "In the museum. But Thief-taker general is waching over it all day and night and I am not so much of sneaking tipe." Garrett frowned at name of his "friend". He didn't think he'll ever have anithing to do with him. General gived him a lot of trouble. "So.. What's the plan?"


Raizor and Garrett were in front of museum. They made the plan. Wasn't hard in Garrett's opinion.

They got easly inside. Half of guards were sleeping or just weren't paying atention to two moving shadows. Ilusions, they usually told to themselves.

Their goal was at the end of museum.
Garrett noticed how Raizor were actualy light on her feet."She is underestimating her skills." Garrett trought.

"Here it is." Raizor said and pointed at red, lightingh like crystal. She wallked toward it.

She broke the glass and take it.
"That's quiet." Garrett warned her.
"So will be this." was Raizor's response. She started talking in some language Garrett didn't understood.

Sudendlly Raizor fall to the floor. By the look of her, she were in pain.

Garrett tried to help her, but she rised her hand in disapproval.
For Garrett it looked like him when he toched the Dragon eye for first time.

Around Raizor flashed orange light.
It blinded Garrett for second. Garrett was sure that even those lazy guards saw that.

Still, Garrett didn't espect that when he open his eyes he will saw that.

Before him, were Raizor stood, was a dragon. He wasn't huge, but he could probably eat human easly. He had black scales and big horns. He also had five clawled fingers and long agile tail. At the end of tail were scorpion like sting. Dragon looked down at him with orange eyes.
Garrett recognized Raizor in them.

"Don't be scared Garrett. It's me Raizor. What you are looking right now is my true form. Tarune didn't told you?"
"He said something about your true form... I guess he meant this." Garrett smirked and Raizor smiled.

They were interupted when door opend. Some people got inside.
Garrett recognized one of them was no one but Thief-taker general.

General frowned at sight.
Thief and... Dragon?

"Well, well. We meet again Master thief. And I see that you have a friend this time. Still, he will not save you."
General pointed his crosbow at Garrett and shooted. The arow was stoped by dragon's tail.

Raizor showed Garrett to climb on her back and he did so. Raizor bashed trought door and kicked guards in the process.

When they got outside, all of guards started shoting at them. They could hear general yelling to put them down.

Weak arows couldn't do much  to dragon's skin, but could hurt Garrett.
So Raizor got to get out there fast.

She flyed high in the sky untill they were lost in clouds. Snow were already falling.

Without any words, they got to Moira asylum. Raizor landed and Garrett got of.
They made fire and sit around it. Each in their troughts.
They can't stay here anymore, that's for sure.

"At least flying is better than boats." Garrett said and broke the quiet.
Raizor grined.

With that they both fall asleep.

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