Warning of past

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Darkness spread trought city. Corupting it into itself untill nothing left. Everything was dark and cold.

Garrett stod in the midlle of darkness.
He didn't see anything. He began to panick, but tried his best to stay calm.
He feelt he mustunt't show emotions.

Sudendlly, somwere far away, he noticed orange glow. He started walking toward it.

The closer he got, it was more clear that those where glow from eyes.

In them was clearly showed hatred.

Garrett noticed that eyes wheren't looking at him, but behind him.

Garrett turned around. There were another pair of eyes. Blue eyes.
Hatred also clearly showing from them.

Garrett feelt like something is holding him. Glowing blue chains were warped around his hands. They were holding tight. He noticed a glow coming from him. Didn't took long before he released it was Primal in his eye.

Looking in front of him, he saw another person warped in glowing chains.But the other person's chains were orange. It was Raizor.

Raizor began to attack Garrett and Garrett attacked back. They began fighting. The fight last long, at last that was what Garrett trought. He couldn't control himself, he didn't want to fight Raizor. He didn't want to fight anyone at all.

Garrett trought the fight will last forever, but they stoped. He didn't feelt chains anymore, he feelt free.

Orange and blue eyes wheren't anywhere in sight. On the floor was only Primal and Dragon eye.

From the Dragon eye a mist began to form. When it was formed completely
it looked like a human, somehow, ghoust. It were mising arm and leg it spoke:"Garrett... Master thief...I am...
The Dragon eye... I wasn't always the Dragon eye..." figure spoke hardly.
"I am...- was the demon of monsters.
But before you say anything... Please...
Listen..." demon begged him.

Garrett was speechless. What should he do? What was this all about? He just nodded. He'll see in time, at last that was what he throught.

Demon finaly found some energy than began:"I know my title sounds bad. But I assure you I am not. My name is
Tarune. I rulle monsters of all kind and keep them under control. I have no intrest in war." Garrett stayed quiet. He know better than interupting a demon, even that he said he have no interest in war. Tarune continued:"What you have just saw was my seperate personality. Long ago there where no Primal nor Dragon eye.
It was only me. My realm lived in piece. Unfortunatly demon of war, Barabiand, was not happy with that.
My monsters are of perfect use for him, and he wanted a deal. I give him monsters for war and I get half of what is left of other realms. I know that all of my monsters would die, and of realms only thing left would be a dust."
Tarune stoped to see was Garrett catching up.

"I said no to him. And Barabiand wasn't the one taking no for answer.
He cursed me with "war inside". Now my one half and second half are stuck forever fighting and hating each other.
But they can't fight physical so they need sombody else. In this case you and Raizor.This war is going for a long time Master thief, you are not the first, I don't want to see any more bloodshed."

Garrett looked at him. He understood what he was saying, but it was hard to believe in all of that. What did he have to do with this.
Demons, monsters, Dragon eye, Raizor.

He saw a lot of things in his job, but this... This was too much.

"Why was I chosen?" "I saw a great potential in you. I know you will help." Tarune said.

"I said this before:"I AM NOT A SAVIOUR." alright." Garrett looked away. Tarune smiled. "I am a demon and i keep peace... Don't look at this that way. Besides, I'll need you to steal something. Raizor need to get her form back. After that you two will get futher info." Garrett looked back. "I'll have to work with her? Teamwork is not my thing." he smirked. "Besides, I steal for mony ---" "---and to steal." Tarune finished. "That, Master thief,
is what I needed."

Garrett didn't have time to respond. He were falling trought the darkness. Darkness withow end.


Garrett found himself in his bed. He were still wearing his "working" closets.

"It was only a dream." Garrett said, but wasn't sure in his words.

The sun begin to rise. Garrett got of his bed and got to the window.

The crow was standing there. Garrett writed on the matchboxs:"Job will be done soon" he gived it to Allin and she took of. He didn't need Basso to wory.

"Now to the job."


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