In the hands of evil

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Garrett woke up in complete darkness. When he looked around him he saw Raizor waking up. She were in her dragon form.

Before them was orange and blue light. Orange light continued to spread trought darkness, but blue light faded.

From orange light formed Tarune.
"You made it. Well done." Tarune prised them. Garrett and Raizor just keep quiet to hear what demon have to say. "I promised you answers after this job, haven't I? At first as you know you are chosen to fight in this-my war..." Tarune stoped, almost emberasment look on his face, but it was hard to tell on his stone cold face. He didn't wait long:"I have found a small chance, a little holle in this curse and I think that we could lift it.
Before you say anything, this is your interest also. If I wait a little longer, my closed realm will open. And humans do not have the capibility to fight monsters of Xerun." he looked at them, they were unhappy but keep quiet. Garrett especially."Great."Garrett trought.

"What we have to do?" Razor broke the silnce. Garrett nodded in agriment.

"Primal. I don't need the stone nor its full power. Just a little piece of it.
Let the stone be stone and diamond diamond. But if I made it you will be on your own again." Tarune finished.

Now, that was something to consider. Doing a simple job and be done. Not so much differen from his usuall rutine after all.

"But last month events made balance in Primal shifted." Tarune said, almost angry. He looked straight at Garrett. Garrett feelt uncomfortable,
while demon was looking at him with cold eyes. Demon's sharp teeth weren't hellping at all.

"You and that girl Erin mesed up my plans. Now I can't get full control over it. Here you come in." Tarune took time to calm himself. "Get the stone, go to temple where Dragon eye usually rests, connect them then resist will to fight. Simple as it gets." Tarune sound confident, but his last words weren't. Cold as he is, it were clear he's hiding something.

Raizor were actualy fine with that plan, much to Garrett's suprize.
He would got no help arguing so he just decided to go on with that.

"I see both of you are fine with this. Don't fail me." boomed Tarune's voice. It shake the black ground where Raizor and Garrett stood.

They both began falling trought darkness withow end.


Garrett slowly opend his eyes. He stood up. He feelt a little hedache.

He saw that there were no more fire, Raizor probably put it out. Garrett noticed that Raizor where nowhere to be seen.

In that moment he feelt big hand on his mouth and chest. Hands had black scales. Finding that it was Raizor calmed him a little.

"Stay quiet. They found us." she hissed and took them in forest. When they where not in open she let him go. Garrett looked around.

There were many people searching trought woods and around Moyra asylum. Thief-Taker general also was here. "Find them! They can't be far away!" yelled angry general.
Garrett smirked. He would enjoy when they escape right before his eyes.

He climbed on Raizor's back. He feelt strong tens mucsles of Raizor.
"I wonder how is she when she gets on her bad side. Maybe I will find out eventualy."

Raizor tried to stay down. They didn't need those guards to mees up their plans. But one guard came to them, he had a torch with him. When he saw them he started shouting.

Raizor took of, but a net caught her wing. She fall down and hit her head hard. Garrett got stuck under unconscious dragon.

He tried to slip out, but couldn't. General were coming closer to them. "Wake up! Raizor wake up!"
Garrett yalled, but to no sucess.

General got to Garrett and laughed.
"Look at you. You are lying here, under my feet, crushed under this... Dragon. And you still don't accept defeat. You truly are persistent rat."

Garrett glared at general.

General crouched to be close to Garrett's high. "I will enjoy seing you hang. And as for your friend. He will be useful." General punched Garrett and he fell unconscious.

Raizor woke up sudendlly and atacked the general. She trew him to the ground. She growled at him and guards around her. With her tail she protected Garrett.

General clapped few times than said:"Take him down." He turned to go while guards threw net at Raizor and eventualy knocking her out.

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