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"You falied me! Fixs that on any way you can!" rooared angry voice in darkness.


Garrett woke up with a gasp. Grabing his chest he calmed himself down. He barely got any air in his lungs.

When he stabilized himself, he exsaiment his surounding.

Cold stone walls. Small dark room with metal door. Small window with metal grids.

"Oh no." Was Garrett's first trought.

He used Primal in his eye to look around the room. Just as he trought, doors were red. Indicating that there was trap on them. Probably alarm.

In that moment he heard footsteps.
"He's awake." sombody said. "Good." was the response.

Sound of unlocking was heard from the door. Three men came in. Two of them stayed at the door and third one got closer to Garrett.

"Well, well, well. Didn't espect that famous Master thief would ever stood behind cell doors. Jet here you are, little rat." Good know general smirked. Garrett stayed quiet and gived general a death glare. General continued:"You were truly a big trouble in the City. So tell me, just how much people you think would enjoy yours, soon, death? A lot, isn't it?" General chuckled. Garrett clenched his fist in anger. "But your "friend" tricked us. So sadly you will stay alive a little longer than I planed. Nevermind that now." he gestured to two guards and they grabed Garrett by the arms. Garrett tried to escape, but he was still weak.
General smirked and punched Garrett in the stomach. He punched him few times untill Garrett started spiting blood. General spooke:"This is for all the trouble." Garrett's response was spiting some of the blood.

Thief-Taker general started exiting the room. Guards folowed with Garrett still in their hold.

Eventualy, they came to some other cell. Garrett could tell that this one was biger than his.

Guards opend the cell door and pushed Garrett in, closing door behind him.

Garrett stood up. He turned around to the door, but he couldn't se, nor hear, anything outside so he gessed they were gone.

Orange glow flashed behind him.
When he turned around, he saw Raizor. She were in human form.

"Exsplain, what happend here?" Garrett demanded.
Raizor looked down, her orange eyes were glowing in the dark.
"They want me as a dragon. War, defense, research... I don't know.
They want you dead. I think you know why. But that does not go well with our plan. So I turned myself human and told them then I can only transform back if I was told by my master. In this case; you."
Garrett actualy smirked at that. "That's a lie, isn't it."
"Of course it's a lie! I did that to by us time!" Razor said, almost ofendet.
"So what's next in your plan?"
"Well they took Dragon eye, your equipment and they have Primal. So try to guess."
"A little thrills can't hurt."
"So that is why you are chosen." concluded Raizor.
"Why are you?" asked Garrett.
"Dragons are not know for their mercy." was last thing she said about that. "Fine I will master!" she jalled suddenly. Not long after that, door opend. Guard came in. He looked at them, but said nothing. After a wile, general came.

"Then? Tell your dragon to transform." General said with imaptience. "In order to do that I have to conbyne Primal and that orange diamond. And Garrett have to be there to." Raizor said, secretly winking at Garrett. He took the message. "It has to be in the temple at The Night gate." Garrett added.

Sigh could be heard from general.
"Fine. But if you try something, better for you it works."


It took them some time to reach the temple. Guards surounded Raizor and Garrett. Blocking their escape.
But they didn't know that escaping wasn't part of their plan.

When their were in front of temple Garrett feelt sharp pain in his right eye. By the look of Raizor she also were in pain. Still, they didn't stoop. Guards only pushed them futher.

Once they got inside, guards let go of thief and girl.

Garrett took out the Primal and Raizor Dragon eye. There were pedestal on wich they puted stone and diamond.

They conbyned and flashed blood red light. From red glow flashed red lightinghs. It shaked the ground. Doors of the room collapsed, blocking only way out.

Red light formed Tarune. As Garrett and Raizor recognized him.
But he looked difrend. With evil smirk on his face.


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