8: 3rd date

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Weeks later...

At school, Xinlong was still the same but he changed a bit he stopped getting into fights he stopped picking on people. But he is still getting in trouble like yelling and being annoying to the teachers and some students.

He would get detention and be sent out of class but besides that we're okay.

In science class, we had to write an essay. But me and Xinlongs hand was connected. I tried getting my hand back so I could type with both of my hands to get this essay over with faster.

I pulled my hand while looking at him but he gripped my hand not letting it go.

"Xinlong let go please."

I asked but he didn't budge.

I tried breaking apart our hands but he looked at me telling me to stop.

At the end of class I only had a paragraph done instead of my usual 5 paragraphs.

After the bell rang we packed our stuff. He pulled my hand and I looked at him. He came close to my ear and whispered.

"I'll see you after school."

He pulled away then put his hands in his pocket and walked out the classroom.


I said quietly while only my chest feeling how hard my heart was beating.

"He scares me sometimes."

I was now talking to myself while walking out of the classroom. Ugh I hate my life.. but I also love it.

After school

I was walking in the opposite direction of my house. I was going that way because I wanted to go to the store to get some supplies for school. I kept walking but then a voice called my name.

I turned around seeing Xinlong and I waited for him to catch up.

"I waited for you!?! I thought something happened to you!"

He pushed me making me stumble while talking to me in a rough way.

"I'm sorry I just didn't see you I thought you already left.. "

I said to him but he looked away from me. He was looking straight forwarded and at this point if he weren't mad he would hold my hand but my hands were empty.

"I'm sorry Xinlong."

I said to him stopping to talk to him but his body kept in motion and kept walking.

Is he that hurt?!

I caught up to him and I pulled his hand to hold it.


I held his hand for a second before he moved away.

"I said I'm sorry already!"

I spoke with an annoyed tone and walked further up so I don't have to see him.

Once I got into the store I went to the pencils and bought a few with the pens and the ink cartridges.

I bought a notebook and some snacks. I payed for it all and I looked at Xinlong seeing him still hurt.

" He Xinlong! I'm sorry! I already told you I'm sorry I didn't see you and as you can see I'm perfectly fine so you don't have to worry!"

I said in a rush looking at him. He looked at me and blinked. He scared me, I didn't think he would actually look at me.

I just realized I used his full name!

"What did you call me?"

I kept walking but he held my arm pulling me back.

Enemies To Lovers (Xinlong X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now