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Robin's pov:

Finney stayed close to me the whole entire movie, fear was written all over his face. I couldn't help but laugh even though he was being cute.

"Come on Finn" I chuckled. "It's not that scary" I smiled. Finney hit my arm. "Yes it is you jerk" Finney jumped when the killer came back onto the screen. "What's with the mask?" Finney whined. "That dude's creepy" I laughed again. "If you need somebody to hold you I'm here" I joked.

And even though I was joking Finney wrapped his arms around my own arm, I was blushing, but I shouldn't be. I stayed quiet for the rest of the movie and so did finney besides jumping every now and then, which made me chuckle.

Finney's pov:

I just realized now but I couldn't believe I was holding Robin's arm, I let go when the cast's of the movie came up, trying to keep myself cool. "Did you like it?" Robin asked hopefully, and for his sake, even though it was really scary.

"Yeah I think it was cool" I nodded. "But scary" I laughed nervously. Robin sat up, he smiled a bit. He had such a pretty smile. "Want anything to eat?" Robin asked, pointing to his kitchen. I glanced over, seeing the time on the stove my heart almost jumped out of my chest.

"It's five already!?" I exclaimed getting up quickly. "I'm sorry Robin but I really gotta go" I said rushing to my shoes, Robin followed me. "Well okay" he frowned. "Do you want me to walk you to your place?" He suggested. I declined his offer a little to harshly and I could see hurt look.

"I'm sorry Robin I just got to get home now" I said, seeing his frown. "Oh no it's okay!" He smiled, and I could tell it was forced. I grabbed my bag. "Next time Robin okay?" I smiled opening his front door. "Yeah okay" he nodded. "Be safe"

I rushed down his steps waving goodbye as he stood in the doorway. He didn't wave back and I felt a bit bad but I had to get home instantly.

I didn't want to leave Gwen alone with that jerk nor do I want to get my ass beat by  him either.

Robin's pov:

"Did I fuck it up?" I whispered to myself, my hands over my face. I wondered if he really just wanted to get away from me. Did I make him uncomfortable. I thought chewing my nail anxiously. Oh God did he notice me blushing. I worried. Does he think I'm some gay kid now. I chewed on my nail more.

I don't want Finney to know I'm gay, I don't want to be gay. I want to be like the other boys. Even though nobody knows I know. And I don't want to know. I should have a crush on a girl not a boy.

I wish Finney was a girl. Then I could tell him.

I bite down on my nail to hard and it broke, starting to bleed a bit. "Fuck" I sighed. What if he doesn't want to be my friend anymore.

I hate being not normal.

Yeah Robin's going to be a bit insecure in the book :( even if he won't admit it he is very VERY scared of what other people think of him that's why he wants to impress everyone else :(
Word count: 574

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