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Robin's pov:

I didn't know what to do, but I couldn't stay home again, I needed to get my grades up so my uncle would be happy. Would he still look at me the same if he knew I was gay?

I began to cry again, I couldn't help it. I felt so stupid. Why did I trust Finney? My bedroom door opened and I instantly turned the other way. "Robin?" It was my uncle. I couldn't bear to look at him. I could hear him sigh.

"I know your crying Robin, your door isn't made out of steel" my uncle whispered, I still didn't face him, I didn't speak. I let the rest of my tears fall trying to get my breathing under control.
"There's someone at the door for you though" my uncle said. I wondered who would want to show up after what happened today.

"Tell them to go away" I said angrily. I don't need nobody.

I could hear my uncle sigh again. "Okay Robin" and when I turned back around he was gone.

Finney's pov:

"That was real harsh of you Finney" Gwen said as me walked home, I still worried about Robin. "I didn't mean to" I muttered. "You did!" Gwen snapped at me. "And I don't care what kind of relationship you two had but you broke that poor boy's heart." Gwen informed. How could I hurt Robin.

"No I didn't it's Robin, he's the toughest kid at school" I frowned looking at my shoes. "Maybe that's why hm?" Gwen frowned. "You think he's some heartless kid don't ya Finney Blake" I don't like when Gwen uses my full name.

"So you think it's all right to go say stuff about him behind his back" she snapped. "Well if your fucking blind then you couldn't see that he liked you!"

Gwen walked Infront of me, obviously trying to walk away from me. Robin doesn't like me. Why would he?

--time skip

Finney's pov:

I couldn't believe I was standing on Robin's porch, I felt sad when I knocked on the door. An older male opened the dooe who I guessed was Robin's uncle. "Can I speak to Robin please?" I asked, trying to peer past the man to see if Robin was somewhere to be seen.

The man sighed, shrugging. "I'll see if he's available" the door closed again and I waited patiently for Robin, I fiddled with my hand feeling like time waiting had gotten long.

When the door opened it wasn't Robin, but instead his uncle again. My excitement faded. "Sorry kid" his uncle apologized. "Robin needs some time"

I frowned. I really done it. Maybe Gwen was right. I had broken robin. Even though I didn't mean to.

I needed to apologize.

Robin's pov:

I got up for school, red puff under my eyes said it all, I had barely gotten any sleep, dreading going to school. But here I was getting ready for school.

I put on my backpack and shoes, getting ready to leave. I decided to skip breakfast this morning.

"Robin" I heard my uncle's voice as I opened the door. "Do you want me to drive you today?" He asked. "I have a little more time before I have to work?" He smiled. But I shook my head. "I can walk it's okay" I mumbled. "Okay be safe" my uncle sighed.

I felt nervous stepping into the school doors, it felt like everyone's eyes were on me. I didn't feel like the strongest kid in the school anymore. "Isn't he gay?" I heard on kid whisper as I passed by. I felt sick.

"Robin" a voice called. I turned around to see griffin walking up to me. He frowned when seeing my face. "So it is true?" He asked. I looked around before shaking my head. "Okay" griffin said, instantly agreeing with me. He believes my lie?

"It's okay if you are though" griffin shrugged walking with me. "It shouldn't matter what you are, I still see Robin"
He doesn't care what I am?

I wish Finney didn't care what I am.
Speaking of Finney when I turned the corner there he was, walking into first period. Right I sit right next to him.

This was going to be great.

Sad chapter again :(
Word count: 720

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