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Finney's pov:

"I can actually hang out today" Robin randomly said during first hour. "You can?" I asked confused. "I lied" Robin sighed. "Because I thought you we're gonna mess with me" Robin fidgeted nervously. I frowned. "I won't do that to you again" I reassured. "I know" Robin sighed.

But I still felt really bad.

---time skip

Finney's pov:

We sat together at the park, eating ice cream from the store. "It's nice hanging out with you" I said, breaking the comfortable silence. Robin nodded. "Yeah it's fun hanging out with you too" Robin mumbled, eating the cone of his ice cream.

"We should do it more often!" I smiled over at him but he just side eyed me. "What's with you?" He finally asked, looking away from me. "What do you mean?" I asked confused, Not understanding what he was asking

"You go from, oh Robin's a fag, to we're best friends" Robin grumbled not looking at me. "Are you playing me?" Robin's voice sounded small and scared.

"I'm not playing you Robin!" I said, frowning. Robin glared at me. "How do I know that?" He asked. "How can I trust you?"

I didn't know how to answer that question so instead I repeated the same thing I said before. "I'm not playing you Robin" I reassured. He looked at me with utter confusion. "But why?" He asked. "You know I like you, you could just..." His words faded and he looked down at his shoes. But I was stuck on those three words he said.

"You like me?" I asked confused, my ice cream dripping down on my hand, Robin returned the same confusion. "You didn't know?" I shook my head to his question and his face turned instantly bright red. "I thought you knew damnit!" He said standing up and walking away. "Robin!" I called dropping my ice cream and going after him.

"Go away Finney!" He said, picking up his pace. "Robin don't leave!" I snapped. "Talk to me damnit!" But he didn't, he kept on walking. "I've had a crush on you since seventh grade!" I blurted out. Robin stopped dead in his tracks, turning around to face me. I felt embarrassed.

"That's why I said those things about you" I said, frowning. "I didn't want to admit I liked boys" I whispered. "Your aren't playing me are you Finney Blake?" Robin asked, I frowned at the full name thing.

"No I do like you" I said, trying to sound confident.

Robin came closer to me. "Damn since seventh grade?" He laughed, my face instantly felt warm. "Shut up!" I mumbled. "I mean I knew I was attractive but damn" Robin joked making me more embarrassed. "So?" I said. "I also have a crush on me!" I stated. Robin shrugged. "I do Finney" I smiled. I frowned.

"Why don't you call me Finn anymore?" I asked. Robin paused for a moment. "I guess I started calling you it when I got mad" he shrugged. "Why do you like the nickname Finn?" Robin smiled, I nodded. "Yeah, I guess"

They stared at each other for what seemed like hours. "Can I kiss you?" I blurted out before catching my tongue. "Sorry, I didn't mean that" I muttered feeling embarrassed. "That's to bad" Robin sighed dramatically. "If you meant it I would have let you kiss me"

We looked at each other again, before slowly leaning in. Robin's lips we're soft and I wondered if mine felt the same.
When we pulled away a smile graced Robins face and I was sure I had a smile too. "Does this mean we're dating?" I asked. Robin shrugged. "If you want to Finn" Robin smiled. And for once it didn't matter what my dad thought, or what any of those kids at school thought.

I was happy.
And Robin was the bestest person I've met.
Maybe besides gwen.

We kissed again and it felt the same way. I never wanted to leave Robin again.

We finished the story! Yay!
I'm thinking my next story will be a
griffin × billy story ❤️
But I'm happy I finished this story:)))
See you all in the next book
Word count: 700

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