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Finney's pov:

Robin sat right next to me, but he refused to look at me. Other kids we're whispering and pointing at him. I felt really bad.

What if that was me.

"Hey Robin?" I whispered. But when I said his name he looked down at his math work, I frowned. "Robin?" I tried again, and he still ignored me.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled, fidgeting with my hands. "Shut up" Robin whispered back. "But I really am sorry!" I tried to say. "Your not so just shut up!" Our conversation stopped there. I felt a bad feeling in my chest and I didn't know why.

I'll try again after school.

-- time skip

Finney's pov:

I followed Robin out the main door, already have told Gwen I was going to go see Robin.
Robin rushed down the steps of the school and I chased after him, he glanced behind him, noticing me and picked up his pace.

"Robin wait up!" I called having to start to run. Damn Robin was fast.

He didn't stop walking. "Robin!" I called, chasing after him till I was closer. "Robin can we talk?" I asked, hoping he would say yes.

"Go away creep" he said instead.

"Robin please!" I asked, "I want to talk about yesterday" I frowned, still keeping my pace with him. "Oh okay, wanna talk about how you outed me to the whole school!" Robin shouted, whipping around. I bumped into him not expecting the sudden stop.

"If you didn't like me why didn't you just tell me!?" Robin shouted. "Why did you have to tell everyone else but me?" His voice cracked and I wondered if he would cry. "I know I'm a fag Finney" Robin explained. "But you didn't have to say it" I could see the tears Begin to fall from Robin's face.

I've never seen him cry before.

"I didn't mean it!" I explained, Robin shoved me, not expecting the shove I fell, hitting my wrist on the sidewalk, a tingling pain went up my arm. "Ow.." I gasped. "You did mean it!" Robin shouted not giving me the chance to get up. "You wouldn't have said it otherwise" he grabbed the collar of my shirt, raising his fist.

"Please don't!" I begged. "I'm really sorry! I swear I didn't mean it, I'm sorry!" I began to sob. I felt weak and selfish as I squeezed my eyes shut.

But when the hit didn't come I opened them, Robin knelt there, his fist had lowered. "I hate you Finney Blake" Robin grumbled, standing up and walking off.

I didn't bother to follow him, I didn't even bother to stand up. I sat there on the sidewalk holding my wrist. I felt weak. Really weak.

I opened the door to my house, I wondered if I needed to ice my wrist. I saw Gwen sitting at the kitchen table doing homework, she looked up when I came in. "How'd it go?" She asked, I shook my head and she seemed to understand, looking me over.

"Where's dad?" I asked, opening the freezer door I grabbed out a bunch of ice cubes. "I don't know, he's not here though" Gwen shrugged. I wrapped the ice cubes in the wash towel that was on the stove and placed it on my wrist, wincing.

"What did Robin say?" Gwen asked. I didn't answer at first, finding myself beginning to cry. Why was I crying?

Gwen instantly got up from her seat and came over to me. "Finney?" She asked. "Tell me what's wrong?"

But I couldn't get the word's out. I couldn't tell her that Robin, the boy I had a crush on hated me for something stupid I said. "It hurts" I sobbed and she embraced me in a hug. "Your wrist hurts?" She asked pointing at the cloth.

She didn't understand what I really meant but I just nodded my head because my wrist did hurt. "Let's go to the bathroom" she said, taking my good arm and pulling me up.

"Let me see" she said, holding out her hand once she had gotten the med kit out. I removed the icepack and showed her the now swollen wrist. She ran her finger over the swelling and I winced yanking my wrist back. "Ow!" I shouted. "Gwen.." she apologized before taking some bandages out. "It might just be a sprain" she said, but her voice made it seem like she was hoping  it was just a sprain.

She wrapped my wrist as best as she could in the bandages as I tried to hold my tears back from the pain. "I'm done" she said, tying the end of the bandages together.

I nodded thanking her.

---time skip

Robin's pov:

I sat next to Finney during math, again.
I noticed the bandage that wrapped his wrist and how he wasn't using it, even though that was his dominant hand. He seemed to be struggling with his writing but I couldn't stop noticing how badly wrapped the bandages were. Did I do that?

I thought about how I shoved him, I probably did hurt him. Whatever it's not my problem.

But I found myself continuing to stare at his wrist. Fucking damnit. "Finney" I whispered, deciding not to use the nickname I gave him. He turned to look at me, at first surprised, but then he looked sad. "Your wrist" I forced myself to start off with. He looked down at his wrist and shrugged, seeming to try to play it cool.

"I can actually make it heal better" I said. "If your not gonna go to a doctor" a frowned, he seemed to look away at that. "Okay" he whispered. I nodded turning back to look at the teacher.

"And that doesn't mean we're friends again" I reported just in case he didn't know.

"Okay" he said again.

We're gonna start seeing the friendship spark again :) and maybe even lovers forming, be excited for next chapter because I'm excited to write it :)
Word count: 1004

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