
432 5 17

TW: abuse

Finney's pov:

I hugged Gwen, tears falling from my face. "I'm sorry Finney" Gwen cried, and I cried with her. My back hurt. It hurt so badly. I shouldn't have went with Robin. "It's okay it will heal" I tried to smile but my back hurt way to much. Gwen and I had tried to patch it up as best as we could. "Finney" dad's voice sounded, as he opened the door.

I flinched but I had to look at him, I hugged Gwen tighter. "Come here" dad beckoned me, I could tell he was angry. "Stay in your room" I whispered to Gwen. I got up, stepping closer to dad, and outside of mine and Gwen's room, I closed the door. Dad looked at my angrily.

He grabbed me by the back of my hair making me flinch, I almost screamed. "You wanna tell me why it was so important to go run off with some boy" my dad shouted, making me scared. "I wasn't!" I protested "It was just for school!" I knew that was a lie. "Yeah?" My dad snorted. "You think I'm an idiot" I shook my head no. His grip tightened in my hair. "You think I don't know what you did with that fucking boy!?" I began to cry as my dad shouted.

"Dad stop!" Gwen cried, she had to door open now, her face was wet with tears. "Shut the fuck up!" Dad shouted at Gwen make her flinch. "I will not have no fag in my house you got that Finney" my dad threatened turning back to me. I nodded frantically.

"I'm not gay" I said to him, my dad let go of my hair.

-- time skip to school.

Finney's pov:

I stood in the group with Gwen and all the others, felt bad. "Wow who knew Robin was gay" one of the kids laughed. I didn't mean to hurt Robin but if it keeps me safe then.. "yeah I can't believe I went over to his house!" I forced a laugh, noticing Gwen stay silent. "He's such a fag" I didn't mean that and it hurt to say it. "Oh... Dude" another kid said, pointing behind me, I turned around.

And there was Robin, my heart dropped. The look on his face said it all. The whole group laughed at him. I could see the fear in his eyes, and the tears forming. "Wow" he muttered. "Nice to know what you really think of me Finney" I could hear his voice crack as he turned away. I didn't mean it.

The group laughed as he walked away, his head down. I'm sorry.

I sat in class, waiting for Robin to appear. I wanted to apologize.
But he never showed up. "Has anyone seen Robin?" The teacher asked. A few kid's snickered. I looked around worriedly. It wasn't supposed to hurt this badly.

Robin's pov:

I cried, I cried and I couldn't stop. How could Finney embarrass me like that. How could he even say something like that?
I cried in my room for hours, now everyone will know I'm gay. Why do I have to be gay!?
I buried my head in my knees. "It's not fair" I sobbed. Why did finney have to tell them?

I'll never trust anyone like that again.

Some sad stuff 😭
Word count: 560

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