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Robin's pov:

I waited for finney to show up at the steps. I couldn't believe I was actually waiting for him.

It's just to help him out. I told myself as he came down the steps. I noticed the purple circle forming around his left eye. "What happened to you?" I asked, as we began to walk to my house.

He turned his face away. "I don't know" Finney shrugged. "That's the worse excuse you've ever given me" I frowned. He shrugged still not saying anything, and I didn't either.

When we got to my house I unlocked the door, I jumped when I saw my uncle standing in the living room. He's supposed to be at work.

"Oh Robin" he smiled when I came in, he noticed Finney and nodded to him. "Why are you here?" I asked, a little to harshly. "Because it's my house?" My uncle answered.

I shrugged taking off my shoes. "I'm gonna bring Finney to my room" I said as my uncle sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. "Okay" my uncle nodded.

I walked to the bathroom when out of my uncle's sight, grabbing the med kit and bottle of Benadryl. Finney followed me like a lost puppy, practically clinging to my back. I didn't mind it though.

"Come on" I said once I had gotten what I needed. We went into my room and I cracked the door before I sat down on the floor, Finney sat directly Infront of me. "Let me see your wrist" I held out my hand once I had gotten the med kid and Finney cautiously lent It out.

I unwrapped the sucky bandages, revealing his swollen wrist. "Holy shit Finney" I frowned. He shrugged. But when I pressed on his wrist he winced. "Ow! What the hell Robin" he snapped.

The swelling was tender, and i could tell it was sprained, he wrapped his hand around Finney's wrist feeling for the injury. "Stop that hurts!" Finney whined and I let go. 

I took out the bandages and gaze, I first started to wrap the gaze around Finney's wrist in layers, making it not tight enough to cut off his blood or make it hurt but enough to keep it on. After a few layers of gaze a wrapped it in bandages, before tying it off. "Okay" I said.

Pouring the benadryl into it tiny cup. "Drink this and I'll go get some ice" I said, handing the tiny cup to Finney and standing up. "What is this?" Finney asked raising the tiny cup. "You don't know what benadryl is?" I asked, his eyes widened with realization. "Oh right that stuff" I laughed nervously.

"Okay stay there" I said, leaving my bedroom to go get an ice pack.

I passed my uncle and stepped into our kitchen that was pretty much attached to our living room. I opened the freezer grabbing the icepack out and wrapping it in a towel so it wouldn't hurt Finney's skin.

I care so much and for what. I frowned.

"Robin?" My uncle said, waving me over, I went to stand next to him holding the ice pack. "Yeah?" I asked coming over. He smiled at me. "Finney's a good kid for you?" He said patting my shoulder. I looked at him confused. "What do you mean?" I asked.

He shrugged. "You can go back to him" my uncle said, turning back to his TV. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay Finney I got the icepack" I said opening my door. I noticed Finney leaning up against my bed frame, his eyes heavy, I chuckled a bit. "Are you tired Finney?" I asked, crouching next to him. He shook his head. "No I'm fine" he mumbled but I could tell he could barely keep his eyes open.

"Here you can lay down and rest" I said helping him up. "It's the benadryl kickin' " I laughed, placing him on my bed.

He mumbled in protest but he looked happy to get some sleep. "It's safe" he whispered, it sounded more of a question. "Of course it's safe" I gave him a confused smile but he closed his eyes before saying anything else.

I smiled. He's pretty.

But I realized I can't do that to myself. I shouldn't think that.

So I sat next to my bed, watching over him, I laid down on the floor, feeling tired myself.

I can't keep having mixed feelings with finney. I thought.


:) So cute though 🥺
Word count: 755

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