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Mandy had never been as upset as she was when they found his body. She hadn't cried that hard in...ever. 

After Nick hadn't come to opening night of West Wide Story, Mandy had known something was wrong. When she had called Nick's phone and found it in his bedroom, it had been her second tip. The final and worst thing that made her sure he was gone was the call from the Myers Harbour police. His body had been found in Myers Forest, so mangled and disfigured that someone would need to identify it. Mandy and her mother had been distraught, so her father had agreed to make the identification. 

She had prayed that it wasn't him, that it was anyone else. But it was. Her brother was dead. Why him? Nick was the best brother Mandy could have ever asked for. Or, he had been. 

Sasha spent the next few days comforting Mandy and helping her through it. It was hard to keep it together, but Mandy did it for her. Sasha was the nicest person on the planet and if any of her friends were miserable, she would be too.

Mandy wanted to find the person responsible and make them pay. She knew Sasha would help her. All their friends would, because they hated the culprit as much as Mandy did.

The police said it was a tragic accident. Mandy knew better. She knew who had done it. It had to have been her.



Hi, guys!

Welcome back. 

I know the first book didn't have the most final ending; it was originally supposed to be one story, but it got too long so I cut it in half. This second story picks up pretty much exactly where book 1 left off. 

Happy reading!

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