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She clasped her hands in her lap and crossed her legs. "Thank you for seeing me, Principal Myers."

"Not at all, Miss Campbell. Is this regarding your brother?"

She pursed her lips. "Him. And a 'mutual problem' of ours."

The principal tilted her head. "Oh?"

Sadie nodded. "I think Liam's attendance at this school should be terminated."


"He's formed an...attachment with the werewolf. One could think that"— Sadie scoffed—"he actually likes her."

"I don't understand."

"I think that they may now be together and we just can't have it. What kind of example is he setting for the other students?"

"And how would his expulsion solve the problem? The way I see it, he needs to be himself terminated."

Sadie tensed slightly. "He needs our help. What kind of people would we be if we turned our backs on him?"

Principal Myers gave a curt nod.

"He's in love. He doesn't know what he's doing. She's manipulating him. If we don't do something soon, he'll end up like Gregory Myers. He needs to learn that there are consequences for his actions and rather he learn it from us than from her."

"I see." Principal Myers turned in her chair and flicked through a file cabinet. She pulled out a file. "We can't have that." Removing a large stamp from her desk drawer, she marked the file. "Thank you for making me aware, Miss Campbell. I wish you the best of luck."

Sadie smiled politely. "Thank you. I hope this little slip-up of my brother's can soon be righted." She stood to leave. "And Principal Myers? I think it would be best if as few people as possible knew about this, don't you? We wouldn't want people to think the only punishment is expulsion. That would make it seem almost as if this type of behaviour is condoned."

The principal smiled widely. "Of course not." She stood to walk Sadie out.

The file was left open on her desk. It was titled Liam Campbell. Across the first page in big red letters it read TERMINATED.



THE END! I hope you enjoyed :)

I know the ending to this story isn't super final and it wasn't supposed to be. I'm still working on the next book. Hopefully I can start publishing soon, but I'm still finalising some things plot-wise.

Thank you for reading!

- Zoe

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