Chapter 8

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Liam pulled up in front of my house. "Thanks for breakfast."

"I should be thanking you. You drove."

"Yeah, but I didn't pay." Liam was still sour about his free pancakes.

"But a Liam paid, so it still counts."

Liam crossed his arms and pouted. "Sure it does."

I took the roses out of the car door. "I should probably go. I've already taken up enough of your Saturday."

Liam looked up at me. "It's fine. We could always go do something else."

I smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry, but I have homework and I really should go."

"Okay. I guess I'll see you 'round?"

"Definitely." I leaned across the seat to give him a hug. I didn't want to let go, but I had to before it got weird. "Bye, Liam."

He waved as I got out of the car and walked up the front path.


Ms Allen talked to us about junior prom in homeroom on Monday.

"Alright, everyone. Settle down." Ms Allen clapped her hands in that way teachers do, and we all repeated the clapping pattern. "I have been asked to let you know about the upcoming junior prom that you are all no doubt excited to attend."

There were a few muffled squeals.

"Anyway, as some of you may know, there is a prom committee made up of students for planning the dance. Applications are now open. Most applicants will make it, so if you think it's something you want to do, please apply."

Sasha and Mandy exchanged a look. They definitely wanted to apply. I thought I might apply as well.

The bell went and everyone stood to go to class.


In English, Mason and Kyle wouldn't look at me and they kept looking around warily.

"Okay, what's going on?" said Claire, being perceptive.

"Nothing!" Kyle and Mason said at the same time.

I shrugged. "I don't know. I'm too tired to notice anything is going on." I fake-yawned. I don't think Claire bought it.

"Okay..." Claire turned back to her laptop. We were doing an individual extract study and Claire was getting hers from the Robinson Crusoe PDF so that she could print it out and annotate it.

When she left to go to the printer, Mason leaned across the table and whispered, "Is she?"

"Is she what?" I hissed.

Kyle glanced quickly at the door to make sure she wasn't coming back yet. "Is she a hunter?"

"What? No. Claire is, like, the nicest person ever. Plus, hunting would be too stressful for her."

"What about him?" Mason nodded to some random guy on the other side of the room.

I rolled my eyes. "How should I know? I've never even talked to him."

"Well who is?" asked Kyle.

I paused. It wouldn't be fair to tell the wolves who the hunters were without telling the hunters who the wolves were, but I couldn't do that. "Someone," I said vaguely.

Mason gave me a disappointed look. "That's unhelpful."

"I'm sorry. They won't hurt you. They're good people."

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