Chapter 16

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Friday had been a disaster. Derek was furious with Mason and Flora both; Mason for reacting poorly and Flora for provoking him. He was a bit upset with everyone else as well, for not stepping in. I think we were all just too stunned.

After I had gotten home, I had texted Hayden to see if he was okay. He hadn't replied yet and I hoped it wasn't because he was unconscious.

Shortly after I pressed send, Liam called me.


"Hey, Charlotte."

"Hey, Liam. What's up?" I asked tentatively.

"Oh, you know. Not much. I mean, I think my girlfriend is mad at me, but I'm about to tell her I'm really sorry, so I hope she'll forgive me.

For about five seconds, I was angry that Liam had another girlfriend. Then I realised he was talking about me. "Yeah? What's she mad about?"

"I'm not really sure, but I can't tell her that because it will just make her even more mad."

"To be honest, I'm not really sure either."

"Really?" Liam asked hopefully.

"Yes. You've got nothing to apologise for."

Liam paused. "Okay, but I worked really hard on this apology, so can I give it anyway?"

I smiled. "If you really want to."

"Okay. Here goes." Liam took a deep breath. "I'm sorry if I said anything to offend you...that, that I said anything to offend you. I really don't want to make you upset. I hate the thought of you being upset, with me especially, because...I think I'm falling in love with you."


I sat down at lunch on Monday to the usual staring contest across the cafeteria. Mason wasn't allowed to participate, though. Derek had him in a chair facing the wall. Hayden wasn't participating either, but he was doing it by choice. He sat eating his lunch with his head down. Flora kept trying to catch his eye, but he wouldn't look up.

"Don't you think we should let him eat with us?" Kyle whispered to Derek.

Derek shook his head. "This is the only way he'll learn."

"Not to protect his sister? He was only trying to do what he thought was right."

Derek shifted his gaze from the hunters to Kyle. His glare was unsettling and a bit frightening. Jared and Seth, who were sitting on Kyle's other side, lowered their eyes and shrank back into their seats.

"I just don't think he should be punished for that," Kyle explained.

"Causing a scene is right? Endangering someone's life is right? I don't know how I feel about your definition, Beta."

Kyle sighed. "You're really stubborn sometimes, you know that?"

Derek smiled apologetically. "Sorry, Kyle. You know I don't do it on purpose."

"Yeah, I know. It's an alpha thing." Kyle blushed a little when Derek smiled at him.

"I still think he should stay over there though. He hurt someone."

Kyle shook his head. "He lost control once, he made one mistake. He shouldn't be shunned for it."

"He's not being shunned. He's just not allowed the privilege of glaring at the people we hate," Derek argued.

Kyle half-laughed. "Not all of us have your self control, Rick."

Derek reddened. "Low blow, dude."


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