Oh my! ~2

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Over the last year, Rosie and PurpleFlutter, who told her his name is Sam,  have been talking (almost) every day.  Their bond has become very strong, and they consider each other best friends.  Whenever they need a distraction from their very busy and tiring lives they have each other to talk to.

The only thing that is weird is sometimes Sam leaves for a long time and never explains why he was gone when he finally comes back.  This does make Rosie a little bit sad but she has to remind herself they are only online friends.  Sometimes she feels like they're closer, and she wishes she could meet him, but she knows she has her limits.  The last thing she wants to do is make him uncomfortable.

She's getting ready to go to her first day at the cafe.  Saying she's nervous is an understatement.  Her stomach feels like it's doing flips and her lips are red and chapped from her nervously licking them every few seconds.  She finishes getting ready by applying a little bit of makeup to help her look nice.  First impressions are most important, that's what her mom says, anyways.  She looks at the clock and realizes if she doesn't leave right now she might be late, and she can't risk that.  With that, she grabs her phone and purse and runs out the door and into the chilly fall morning.  It's so early in the morning that the sun hasn't made its appearance in the dark sky and the birds still lay in their nests fast asleep.

Thankfully, she didn't leave too late so she was able to have a peaceful walk to the little cafe. She's had some training, but today is her first day as an official worker. During her walk, all she could think is thoughts like, "What if I forget how to make a drink?" or, "What if I spill a drink all over a customer?" She goes to who she always goes to when she's upset or stressed, Sam. She opens up Discord on her phone and went straight to their dms:


today is my first day as you knowww....

im really nervous

are you sleepingggg

ugh fine im here anyway

 She shuts off her phone and puts it into her purse, walking into the cutely lit-up cafe. The walls are painted a light lavender color with strings of lights hanging from them. There are wooden tables and chairs all around, pots of plants here and there. It looks perfect. She can't help but smile when she sees her coworker standing behind the wooden counter and starting to brew the coffee.

"Good morning, Jessi." Rosie announces her appearance walking up to her.

"Rosie!! You're here!!" Jessi yelps, beaming with happiness. Rosie enters behind the counter, where she grabs her apron and puts it on. It's a purple-colored apron that only covers her waist, with black ruffles all around it. It perfectly complements the theme of the cafe.

"There are some danishes in the oven if you want to check them that would be great," Jessi tells her, not taking her eye off the coffee pot she's currently washing. Rosie nods and makes her way to the ovens.

A few hours later, Rosie is on break so she's sitting by a corner table against the window with an iced coffee in her hand. She did much better than she expected considering only dropped a drink once. She sips her coffee while opening her phone to see messages from Sam. She involuntary smiles when she sees his name on her screen.

PurpleFlutter: Don't worry, Rosie!! You are going to do amazing!

I believe in you!

No matter what job you're doing you will do a great job.

She bit her lip. Although she tells him everything, this is something she didn't. She was scared of being judged. She knows it's stupid to feel that way, especially when she tells him just about everything else. She decides to stop being a baby and just tell him.

Rosie HAPPY NANI AND WOOZI DAY: actually I feel bad for never telling you what job im doing...

so that's why I'm going to tell you!

PurpleFlutter: Wait really?! It's okay if you don't want to Rosie, I totally understand.

Rosie HAPPY NANI AND WOOZI DAY: yes..I want to!  I actually work at a cafe! It's really fun actually

PurpleFlutter: wait really? That's funny I'm at a cafe right now, haha.

Rosie HAPPY NANI AND WOOZI DAY: imagine if it was the same one hehehhh

PurpleFlutter: Even though that would be awesome, I seriously doubt it.

Rosie HAPPY NANI AND WOOZI DAY: very true, well I have to get back to work talk to you later!

Rosie stands with her phone in her hand and her (almost) empty coffee in the other, as she's saying goodbye to Sam she's not paying a bit of attention to her surroundings.  She starts to walk forward when she bumps into a hard chest making her stumble back onto her butt and dropping her phone and coffee. 

"Oof" she mutters rubbing her now red elbow.

"I'm sorry." A voice mutters standing over her. She freezes when she hears that voice.  A voice she would recognize anywhere. Scoup's voice. She shuts her eyes and convinces herself she's crazy, and without looking at him she picks up his phone that had fallen on her lap, and when she glances at it her heart stops.

At the same moment, his heart does the same thing when he picks up her phone for her.

After a second (or two), of being in shock they both get the confidence to speak:


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