Purple ~Final Chapter

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This is the song for this story but mostly this chapter :)


For the past three weeks, Rosie and Wonwoo have hung out just about everyday getting closer and closer.  Rosie says they are just friends, but Wonwoo wants them to be much more, he knows where her heart is so he isn't pressuring her.

As for Seungcheol and Rosie?  He has ignored her existence entirely.  If she goes to the dorm to try to see him he just locks himself in his bedroom.  Apparently, he's been spending most of his time there, according to Dokyeom.  A few days ago or so Rosie had given up, she stopped texting/calling him, trying to see him at the dorm, she just accepted that he wanted nothing to do with her anymore. 

As much as it broke her she tried to be strong.  She didn't want everyone to be worried about her.  She had her pride, too.  If Seungcheol wanted nothing to do with her then she wanted nothing to do with him.  At least that's what she was telling herself, anyway.  She knew she didn't truly believe it.  She has the same dream of her running into his arms almost every night-when she wakes up in the same bed by herself over and over she feels the most alone and cold she has ever felt.

It was now the day before Christmas Eve and Wonwoo was leaving to go visit his family, all of the other members have already left, except Seungcheol, of course.

"Are you sure you don't wanna come with me? My family really won't mind!!"  Wonwoo offers, packing his last suitcase into his car.

"No, it's okay!! I'm going to have a really good date by myself!!" Rosie giggles.

"Rosie, you know we've been spending a lot of time together this past month...Have you ever considered making us, official?"  Wonwoo suddenly bluntly asks. Rosie is taken aback, although she knew deep in her heart that this was going to have to come.  As much as she loves Wonwoo, it's only as a friend.  She frustrated with herself because Wonwoo is amazing, he's so gentle, sweet, and kind to her.  Everything she wants in a boyfriend-not to mention the fact that his face is unreal.  She never thought in a million years she'd ever reject her bias wrecker, but yet here she is, standing in front of him about to break his fragile, sweet heart.

"Listen, Wonwoo..." She starts, feeling him tense up, "I really love you, but the thing is, I don't love you more than a friend, and to be honest, I don't think I'll ever be able to.  I'm really really sorry.   I didn't mean to lead you on, it wasn't what I wanted to do at all.  You deserve someone who will appreciate you for you and not wish you were someone else the whole time." 

Wonwoo looks at her with the saddest look she's ever seen, but nods.

"I understand...Can I just ask one thing?"  Rosie nods, thankful for his understanding.

"Is it Seungcheol?"

With the mention of that name she almost begins crying, but stops herself.

"I would be lying if I said he didn't have something to do with all of this, that being said, I can't help the way my heart feels.  I'm really sorry again..."  She looks down at her snow covered sneakers, feeling guilt of a thousand mountains.  She feels a warm hand touch her chin and lift up her face.  She comes face to face with him,

"It's okay.  Even I do not understand why he's acting like this.  I know my hyung, and I know he doesn't do stuff for no reason.  Don't turn your back on him, please.  There has to be a reason he is treating you this way.  I just know it."

"Thank you, Wonwoo.  I really hope he'll talk to me soon."  Wonwoo looks at his watch and gasps,

"Sorry, if I don't leave now I'll be late for the train.  I'll see you when I get back, okay?  Have a good Christmas."  Wonwoo leans down and hugs her softly, when he pulls away he gives her a kiss on her forehead.

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