Hug ~5

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Rosie takes a warm washcloth and wipes down yet another table. Today was a long day, and all she could think about was her bed. She looks over at the clock hanging from the wall, it clearly reads 7:39. She sighs in relief, only 21 more minutes. Then, she can sleep for as long as she wants. The sun was already long gone, leaving the shine from the many stars and big moon to light up the streets of Seoul.

No one had come by in the last couple of hours, leaving her with not much to do except clean up. She had just finished cleaning up all of the tables when the door jingles alerting her that someone has entered. She looks past her shoulder and see's a very familiar face.

"Seungcheol..." She lightly gasps walking up to him. "What are you doing here?"

"I see you. Since you told me you'd be closing today." He rubs the back of his neck shyly. She softly smiles.

"It's good to see you,"  She smiles trying to act calm.

 "Even though we just hung out yesterday I wanted to see you so here I am."  He holds up two big bags.

"What...Are you holding?"

"Right, I brought some board games. I thought we could play some. Do you have to leave right when it's 8?"

"No, it's just when the cafe closes, I could stay here all night if I wanted to."

"Great!! I brought snacks too, I'll go set them up while you're finishing up working." Rosie giggles quietly, she's been spending a lot of time with Seungcheol, and not a day goes by that they don't talk to each other. They've gotten very closer, and she's not nervous around him anymore, which she is so thankful for.

Every tired bone in her body melted away the moment she saw his adorable smile. She happily hops to put away the coffee pots. Once she's done, she joins Seungcheol at one of the tables with Battleship set up.

"Be prepared to lose, Ro." He snickers, winking at her. Rosie scoffs and sits down at the seat across from him.

"There's no way I'm going to let you win, Scoupsie!" They go back and forth until Rosie finally hits one of Seungcheol's boats.

"NOOOO!!" He screeches hitting his head on the table. Rosie laughs victoriously patting his head, once he lifts his head she decides to tease him.

 "Don't tell me you're giving up?" She raises an eyebrow at him, and his face gets serious, "No way. You may have gotten one of my boats but I will get all of yours just wait."

Rosie falls onto the floor yelling cries of regret, and how it's all rigged, "This isn't fair!! You cheated, didn't you?!" He snickers and bends down next to her, "Just accept that you lost, and I won. Honestly, how is it you only got one of my boats?" He shakes his head in a teasing matter.

"Not. Funny. I swear I'm the best at games!" She tries to protest to no avail, he's in his own world laughing like a maniac. She sits up with a determined look,

"Let's play chess, I'll win this time!!" She demands, grabbing his hand, she ignores the butterflies and pulls him onto his chair then sits on her own. "Whatever you say..." He mutters, pulling out the box of chess.

"Are you kidding me?" Rosie growled her hands tight in fists so tight she was certain her knuckles are going to turn white.

 Across from her is Seungcheol holding her king in his hand, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, and to think you were so confident. You don't seem confident now." He mocks.

"Listen, here buddy!! Just cause you might be better at board games does not mean you can beat me at other things!!" She argues crossing her arms over her chest.

"Oh? What do you think you can beat me in then?"

"A staring contest."

"Did you seriously just say a staring contest?"

"Yes!!! If you're so cocky then let's do it!!" She stands up and sits on the cold tile floor. She pats the floor in front of her signaling him to come to sit. He reluctantly follows her sitting in the space right in front of her. They're so close that the tips of their knees are touching, and this sends butterflies all over Rosie's system. She tries her best to not show that most of her confidence just melted away at the tiniest bit of his touch.

"Alright, ready? On the count of three, 3..2..1.."

Both of their eyes shoot open and the staring begins. Rosie begins to admire how pretty his eyes truly are-sure she's seen them all the time being a carat, but seeing them up close is a totally different story, they're shining full of life and happiness. When he smiles or laughs they almost disappear, but staring into them like this makes her heart beat so fast she thinks there's no way he can't tell. She's way too focused on admiring him to even realize they were playing a game.

"Aish...I guess you are really good at those." He whines, pulling back and rubbing his eyes. Rosie snaps out of her trance and giggles, "I told you!! I'm just too good!!" He scoffs and turns his head and yawns.

"Let's call it even? We both have work tomorrow we should sleep." He holds out his hand for her to shake-which she gladly takes.

They both walk out into the chilly night and he walks her to his car, "Today was so fun, thanks for the surprise visit, I was not having the best day til you came." She admits, glad that the dark sky is protecting her red face from being seen.

He takes her by complete surprise by pulling her into a soft hug. "Me, too." He whispers into her hair. Rosie's brain turns into utter chaos by this, and her whole body feels like it got turned into jelly, but she manages to pull herself together and wrap her arms around his waist, hugging him back. They stay like this for a little bit just enjoying each other's touch, until he pulls away and smiles sweetly, "Goodnight, Rosie. Text me when you get home safe, okay?"

 She manages to nod, and get into her car. He stands right there watching to make sure she drives away safely, she wipes the sweat off of her hands and drives away with her heart still pounding in her chest.

"Did...he really just hug me...?" She wonders out loud. Even when Sooyoung kissed her hand or she's touched the other members of Seventeen she's never felt this way. Could it be because he is her bias?

Or could it be because She's in love with him?

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