Call call call! ~3

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Sam pulls down his black baseball even more than it was down before, grasps Rosie's hand, and pulls her outside into an empty alleyway. Just when she's about to scream he takes off his mask revealing the last person she ever expected to see standing in front of her.

Her throat forms a lump and her heart beats so hard in her chest she's sure he can hear it

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Her throat forms a lump and her heart beats so hard in her chest she's sure he can hear it.

"I know what you're thinking...It's crazy right?" He softly spoke staring down into her eyes with a sympathetic look. She tries to muster the courage to talk but all that comes out is a sad noise. She ends up just slowly nodding at him.

"I swear I didn't know you started working here. You know we just ended our world tour last month? Well, we have some free time and I wanted a coffee-"

"Are you...really him?" Rosie suddenly cuts him off making him a little flustered.

"You mean Sam...? Yes, I'm Sam, but not actually because I'm-"

"A Seungcheol look alike! Was this your plan all along? Make me think you're my friend then somehow stalk me, find me, just to make me think you're Seun-"

"Rosie! Come on, you know it's me right?" She looks away from him, not able to breathe properly. She wipes her very sweaty hands on her skirt before whispering the only word she can think of:


They are now sitting at an empty park, after explaining the situation to Jessi, of course.

Seungcheol rubs the back of his neck nervously as he sits a decent distance apart from Rosie on a bench.

"I guess it's only fair if I answer any questions you have for me."  She looks over at him, meeting his sweet dark eyes. She mentally thanks herself for whatever great thing she did to deserve this.

"I...Don't know..." She blurts out, her whole face burning bright red. Seungcheol lightly smiles reaching out his hand and softly patting her on the head.

"It's okay, Rosie.  I swear I just heard about discord and wanted to see what my carats were doing on there." He giggles sightly, Rosie thought it was the most handsome smile she's ever laid her eyes on.

  Somehow her heart is beating ever faster, she thought that she might have a heart attack.

"Why me?"  She whispers, barely able to hear, Seungcheol tilts his head, showing his confusion.

"Just like, why did you want to be MY friend?  I'm only one carat, you barely talked on The Moon Family after you met me."  She manages to gulp her nervousness down and looks him in the eye.

"Honestly? There's just something about you that made me want to talk to you."  He confesses, giving her a look full of genuine affection. 

Rosie tries to act cool but her insides are going crazy from his soft words.  She can't believe this is real, HE is real.  I mean, she knew he was real, she just thought he'd never be her in real life.

"As I mentioned earlier, we have free time.  Pledis felt that they were overworking us so they gave us until Christmas off!!"  He announces, his smile screaming happiness. 

"Ar-re you s-serious? It's only October now."  Sue stutters out, the nervousness coming right back. Not being able to look at him, she keeps her eyes on her lap and fidgets with her hands.

"I know, it's kind of crazy.  But hey, I would really like to hang out with you more.  I didn't really have a plan on what to do with this time but since I met you it's perfect!!"

"I..don't understand why you would want to hang out with me out of all-" 

"Rosie, give me your phone. I'm going to put my phone number in it, here take mine and put yours in" Seungcheol interrupts her, giving her a small glare to let her know he's not listening to what she saying.

She slowly nods her head and holds his phone in her shaking clammy hands, all she can think about is how much his phone had to cost.  Not to mention, ITS SCOUPS PHONE?!?!

She carefully writes her number in, making sure not to miss a click and mess it up. 

"Done."  She manages to look up at his cute eyes and smiles lightly. He returns her smile and puts his phone in his pocket.

"Do you wanna hang out tomorrow?" He asks her, his smile not leaving his mouth or eyes.

"S-Sure...I work, but I get off at 2."  She answers, trying to not show how nauseous she is.  His face lights up even more, "Great!! I'll come to meet you at the cafe then, I know exactly what we should do!!" He stands up, preparing to leave when she stops him by grabbing onto his hoodie sleeve.

"Are you sure no one will recognize you?"  He looks back at her and chuckles softly, "Don't worry, I'm careful, I'll have my hat and face mask on, not to mention what I have planned won't have many people there, anyway." 

With that, he walked away, leaving her sitting there, alone, and so very, very confused.

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