Chapter Fifteen

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Started With a Lie – Chapter Fifteen

I sit on the cold floor of Lee’s bedroom, enclosing my arms around myself—trying to warm myself as much as possible. But, I’m pretty sure all the anger I’m feeling is enough to heat me up.


          What part in all of this was so difficult to understand that he couldn’t even tell me he had a fiancé? I blame myself more. How could I even put my feelings and trust in such a guy. I knew he was trouble…why didn’t I stop?

          I press myself to the door when I hear Lee opening the front door. I hear voices but they’re muffled and I can’t really make out what anyone’s saying. Finally, they move from the door and into the living room and I can finally hear correctly.

          “Oh, Lee!” a female voice squeals. I hear bodies and clothes clashing. They’re hugging. “It’s been so long! I missed you a lot.”

          “I missed you too, Penny.” Lee sounds happy—happier than most of the times I ever spend with him. He’s always arguing or yelling at me when I speak to him. Penny’s a lucky girl. I’m already jealous. I grumble to myself.

          I hate Lee.

          Screw him, actually.

          He has pissed me off millions of times, treated me like crap a million times. I’m not going to be that type of girl that always chases the boy that will never treat her right. I’m going to be smart about this. I don’t need Lee and he obviously doesn’t need me.

          I keep pressing my ear to the door anyways. Yeah, I hate Lee, but I’m curious. Who is this Penny girl that has got Lee’s boxers in a twist?

          “You want some tea?” Lee offers.

          “No, it’s fine,” Penny giggles. It sounds so girly. Mine sounds like a whale choking on it’s own spit: another point for Penny. “I just came for a quick visit. After I’m done packing and all that, I’ll actually come over for a proper visit.”

          “Oh, that’s right,” Lee says. “How was France?”

          “Beautiful, just beautiful.” Wait, she’s even been to France? I bet she knows French and a whole bunch of other languages. I bet she’s also filthy rich. “I’m really going to miss France, but it’s great to be back in America. I get to see you, don’t I? How could I not miss my fiancé?”

          I wince. So it is true. Penny—or whoever she is just confirmed it. Lee had been playing with my feelings. He knew how I felt—I mean, I was pretty obvious. God, he even tried to kiss me! And I kissed him (secretly)!

          I feel so numb. Is this is how girls feel? The ones on the Internet who always complain about being the rebound or second choice? The ones I roll my eyes at whenever I see one? It’s great to know that I’ve become one.

          Lee and Penny chat for a few more minutes before I hear them kissing and saying goodbye. I hear a door open and close—the front door, I’m guessing. I swing open the door and head to the guest room, avoiding Lee at all costs. My suitcases are already there. I throw on some clothes and shove my sweats into the closest bag.

          “Ivory?” Lee calls.

          I roll my suitcases to the living room. Act natural, I tell myself and take a big breath before I appear in front of Lee. “I’m ready.”

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