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15 2 0

A.N. Ella=Baby, Gus=Ft. Freddy, Fritz=Funtime Foxy, B. Bon=Bon Bon


The afternoon seemed to barely be half over when the sun was beginning it's slow decent over the horizon. Standing in the small home's kitchen, Ella simply stood still—looking out the back window. Though many a cloud was in the sky, the beautiful colors of the sunset weren't hidden. She always felt something serene, calming even, whenever she watched the sunset. Beautiful rays slowly disappearing one after another, as if nature was showing it's patience at taking things slow. In patiently easing into the dark of night, instead of merely switching from day to night like no more than a light switch

Being so caught up in watching the sunset, she'd hardly realized her boyfriend had entered the room until he was already wrapping his arms around her shoulder. "Ennard-!" Ennard chuckled, planting a quick kiss on her cheek. Ella, with her heart's racing slowing down again, shoved him off of her playfully. He shook his head, then opting to shove his hands into his hoodie's pocket. "Watching the sunset again?"
"Yup." Ella confirmed, looking outside again to see only a few rays left over the horizon. "You know, I can't decide which season the sunset looks most beautiful in." She began. "Like, in the fall, the sunset makes everything glow, but in the winter, the snow is all sparkly!" Ennard shrugged and nodded. "May I submit," Ella gave him a curious look. "Sunsets in the spring is pretty cool too, because then the pink bloom look like this really cool red."

"That's also true!" Ella agreed. She then let out a dramatic huff. "Again, I can't pick one!" Ennard shook his head, still smiling. Ella, on the other hand, rolled her green eyes. A sight from the window in the living room—across from the kitchen—then caught her eye. "Aw, hey," She went over into the other room. Ennard followed. "Glyde got his Christmas lights up!" The couple were now both looking outside at the pretty display of lights on their monster neighbor's home. There weren't any multicolored lights like the year before, instead, they were all a golden white color. It created a cool effect against the snow, all the same.

"We still have the same lights as last year, right?" Ennard looked at Ella. "Yeah, why?" She had that look on her face. That look that told him she had an idea that was going to be carried out, no two bones about it. Ennard, in return, looked at her suspiciously. "We should put up our Christmas lights tonight!"


"Yeah!" Ella nodded. "Uh... Don't you think it's still a little early yet?" Ennard countered. "I mean, I can still smell all the pumpkin spice in the air." Ella waved him off. "Oh come on! Don't you know what they say about the early bird?" Her boyfriend nodded. "It gets the worm, but I don't see how that's related to putting up Christmas lights now." He answered. "Well, because the worm..." Ella's words trailed off, her confident look wavering a moment. "Whatever- Lights! Now!"

"Okay, fine... I'll go pull out the ladder from the shed." Ella squeaked with excitement. "Great! I'll meet you out front with the box of lights!" Ennard gave her a thumbs up, before turning to go grab his coat and toque—his girlfriend doing the same.

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"How do you think that's even going to work?" Ennard asked, near gob smacked at Ella's idea. "It's pretty simple, I think," She waltzed over to the bush in the front yard, pointing about as she spoke. "After wrapping the lights around the bush, we lay them along the side of the front walkway, then up the drain pipe and along the edge of the roof!" She explained, her tone suggesting that it was, in fact, that simple. Ennard considered her explanation for a minute, before taking another glance at the sole carboard box of multi-colored lights by his feet. "Okay, correct me if I'm wrong," He began. "But didn't we just barely have enough lights for the roof and window last year?"

"I mean, we did..." Ella confessed, then looking over at the window with a considering look. "We'll just uh... skip the window for now." She concluded. "We can buy more lights for it later." Ennard hummed. "Maybe buy one of those light up reindeer, too—those always looked pretty cool!" She suggested. With the living room window no longer on the table, Ennard re-considered the idea. "Well, I guess that bush did look pretty lame last year." Ella nodded. "Yes, which is why we decorate it this year." He shrugged. "Alright, why not?" Ella jumped once with excitement. "Get that ladder of here!"

"You got it!

───※ ·❆· ※───

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Kicking the front door open somewhat lightly, Ella helped her boyfriend inside. Ennard had an arm wrapped around her, as he tried not to walk on the foot he'd sprained when he tripped off the ladder. Once they made it inside, Ella tried reaching the door again with her foot to close it, but was unsuccessful. Noticing her struggle, Ennard closed it with a tentacle. With the door now closed, said tentacle disappeared again. "Thanks." Ella said, continuing to lead Ennard towards the couch. "No problem."

"Here, come sit on the couch." Some more hobbling and uneven walking later, and Ella finally got Ennard down to the couch. He then proceeded to pull his legs up along the length of the couch, with his girlfriend grabbing a throw pillow to place under his injured foot. Bright twinkling color grabbed her attention before she was able to go grab an icepack from the freezer. Looking up, Ella quietly mouthed an "oooh!" Ennard noticed her looking, and decided to also look. "At least we managed to get it all up."

"And... it looks so good!" Ella commented, with clear wonder in her eyes. Ennard laughed and shook his head. "Yeah, it does." He agreed. For a minute, Ella simply stood still again, taking in the sight of their decorations. She was finally pulled from her momentary wonder when she heard Ennard quietly hiss in pain as he tried adjusting how his bad foot was resting on the pillow. "Oh," Ella hummed, turning around to head into the kitchen. "Right, I'm getting you that icepack now!"

"Thanks!" Ennard called back, still smiling. "Then, I'm gonna call 'Mare and ask if he wants to help with the rest of the decorating so your foot can get better." At that, Ennard blinked puzzledly. "Uh, what?" Ella gave him a knowing look. "We're getting more decorations this year. Don't think I've forgotten about that reindeer already." Ennard rolled his eyes. "Of course. You remember this stuff for both of us." He joked. Ella nodded proudly. "Yeah I do. Now," She wrapped a baggie of ice cubs in a cloth. Heading back over to the couch, she announced, "Here is your ice." After putting the cold compress where Ennard's foot was swollen, Ella took out her phone. "Now, I've got a phone call to make."

"Wait- You're calling now?" Ennard asked her. "Yeah, I'll forget later." Taking a glance at the time, Ennard spoke up again. "Maybe you should just-!" But, Ella's phone was already sounding the tone—indicating she'd already called. Laying back on the couch, he huffed a little. "Never mind." He said to nobody, before chuckling to himself again.

With Ella now in the other room on the phone, Ennard looked outside again. It had begun to snow, and the delicate flakes were more easily seen dancing around the twinkling Christmas lights even if the sun had gone down. He could deny that it did look pretty cool. He could definitely get behind Ella's wonder.

Freedom AU Christmas Collection 2022 [FNAF/UT]Where stories live. Discover now