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The rate at which the large snowflakes outside were falling from the bright, white clouded sky had picked up since they'd returned inside. When Jessie and Junior had first gone outside to play after lunch, the snowfall had been light. Then, by the time they were called to come back in the house, it had picked up. To the unidentical twins, it was as if someone was in the clouds shoveling all the snow down to earth. Brother and sister were sitting on the bench of the kitchen table, which was up against the window looking over the front yard.

  Jessie was intently watching the growing mild snow storm outside with a candy cane sticking out of her muzzle like a lollipop, while Junior was drinking his hot chocolate. Unlike his sister, he'd chosen to hook the Christmas candy on the rim of the mug while he drank. With another long sip of the warm, chocolatey drink, Junior finished it up. He felt briefly disappointed that he didn't have any more hot chocolate left, until he looked over and saw Jessie's mug that was still practically full. Junior looked between the mug, and his sister who was still watching the snowflakes. "Are you gonna finish your hot chocolate, Jessie?"

  "Ye can't have it, J." Jessie immediately answered, having predicted her brother's move on her hot chocolate. It wouldn't be the first time, anyways. "Fine... but it's gonna get cold." Junior told her. "It'll turn into chocolate milk." Jessie finally turned her head to look at Junior. "That ain't how it works." He simply shrugged. "That's just my guess." Jessie rolled her eyes, and looked back out the window. There was a brief pause of silence again that settled again. After a moment, Jessie hummed. Junior looked at her. His sister was holding her candy cane, looking at it curiously. "Junior, look!"

  "Jessie, what did you do?" Holding her candy cane for Junior to see, Jessie said, "I've turned me candy cane into a weapon!" She proclaimed, before going on to hold the candy as if it were a dagger. She even swung it once for good measure. Junior ducked down, his ears pointing backwards to avoid being hit by this "lethal" sugary sweet. "Hey! Watch where you swing that thing!" He said, shooting his sister a stink eye. Jessie giggled.

  BB then came down to the kitchen to see what the twin foxes were up to. "Hey guys," He began, earning their attention. "I saw your snowball fight outside earlier," BB sniffled before continuing. "It was epic!" Jessie nodded proudly, as Junior smiled. "Aye, it t'was." She agreed, with Junior adding, "I still don't know why JJ wanted to go shopping with mom instead of having a snowball fight." BB shrugged and sniffled. "I dunno either. I totally would've been outside to if I wasn't sick."

  "Yeah..." Junior hummed. The three kids went quiet for a minute, before BB noticed Jessie's practically undrinked hot chocolate. He pointed to it. "Are you going to finish that-?" The moment BB asked the question, Jessie swiftly pointed her sharp tipped candy cane at him. "Ye keep yer germ riddled mitts off me hot chocolate, land lubber!" Holding his hand up part way, BB blinked in confusion. He then noticed how his adoptive sister was wielding the candy cane like a sword. "Oookay..." He simple said, taking a step back. Junior shook his head. "She kept sucking on her candy cane, and now she thinks she's armed and dangerous."

  "What makes ye think I ain't, J?" Jessie challenged, turning her candy cane to point at him. Junior deadpanned a little, as he stared at his sister—who had an expression of superiority about her. He blinked a couple times, then looking over to exchange looks with BB. Junior looked back at Jessie again. Without so much as a warning, he chomped the end of his sister's candy cane off, chewing it up and swallowing it. Jessie's eyes widened as she gasped. "Junior!" Junior looked over to BB. "I hope mom and JJ get the peppermint kinds while they're at the store." BB nodded in agreement. "Yeah, the raspberry ones aren't very yummy."

  "Junior!" Jessie repeated, trying to keep her brother's attention. "How could ye?!" Junior tried his best to suppress a laugh at seeing the utter betrayal on his sister's face—which was purely dramatic, if you asked him. "Ye can't just go 'round eatin' a lass's Christmas cutlass!!" She said, looking sadly at her now half broken, non-lethal candy cane. Setting it down on the table next to her hot chocolate, Jessie gave Junior an angry look—while he looked very unapologetic. "That's it! I challenge ye to a snowball battle!"

  "But, we just-" Junior was cut off by Jessie jumping off the bench and darting to the front door to get her scarf and mittens. "A rematch! Ye will pay for this mutiny!" Jessie declared. Junior shook his head. "Welp," He began, looking over at BB again. "Wish me luck!" BB nodded. Sniffling, he said, "I'll be cheering from the window!" Junior smirked, before going over to get his own scarf and mitts. The fox twins then left out the door, while BB went over to sit on the kitchen table's bench. And while Junior and Jessie were instantly working to amass their piles of snowball ammo, BB eyed Jessie's untouched hot chocolate. Smirking to himself, he slid the mug closer to himself. Afterall, why watch a snowball fight without a nice, warm, chocolatey drink?

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