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  The monster receptionist was sipping quietly at her festive flavor of tea—a simple, yet sweet peppermint tea—as she did her work. Town Hall was rather quiet that day, which was a nice change of pace considering how things had gotten quite busy. All thanks to the Christmas season, of course. Setting her warm mug back down onto it's coaster, the receptionist looked up to see someone enter the building with a small gift box in hand. Her ears perked up. "Oh, good afternoon, Lady Toriel!"

"Good afternoon to you too, Beth." Toriel greeted, giving Beth a warm smile. Sitting up a little straighter, Beth cast a glance to the appointment notebook she would leave open on the desk in front of her. "I don't think you had scheduled anything today, at least that I can see." She noted. "You are right, I have not." Toriel answered. "Though, I do wish to speak with Asgore if that is possible." Beth nodded. "It's been uneventful today, so I can't imagine he's doing anything more than his regular work."

"Ah, I see." The receptionist continued. "I'll just let him know your coming, and you can head right on to his office." Beth said, before turning her attention to the small intercom system. She pressed a button, as it played a small tone on Asgore's end of the receiver. "Lady Toriel to see you, sire." Beth spoke, releasing her hold of the button. After a moment, a tone played on her end. "Send her over, please." Beth pressed the button and gave Asgore a brief "thank you". She looked back up to Toriel. "Go ahead." Toriel nodded, and made her way down the hallway to Asgore's office.

───※ ·❆· ※───

Asgore had a cup of his favorite golden flower tea set next to the paperwork he was quietly overseeing, as a lively fire was ablaze in the humble-sized fireplace. The monster king had gotten his disorderly papers looking a bit more organized by the time Toriel arrived to his office. There was a knock on the door, indicating her presence. "You do not need to knock, Toriel." The door opened. "Of course."

"What brings you here?" Asgore then asked, giving her a simple, friendly smile. He did take note of the festive looking gift box—which had a ribbon tied on it—but decided to wait and see what she had to say first. "I wanted to give you something." Toriel began, as she clasped onto the gift with both her hands in showing it to him. "Though, I suppose it could count as an early present." Asgore hummed. "They're cookies." Toriel then set the gift down on Asgore's desk. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." She replied. There was a brief pause of silence afterwards. Both felt a little awkward, as they would whenever it was just the two of them. "Was there... anything else?" Asgore wondered, not wanting to be rude in 'shooing' her away. Toriel briefly glanced over to the door, seeming to contemplate leaving now. However, she decided against it. "... There was." She answered. Asgore raised a brow, waiting for her to continue. Toriel gestured to the box. "Open the gift."

Asgore slid the present closer to himself, and pulled the ribbon off. He took of the lid, to find some Christmas cookies hidden underneath a piece of parchment paper. Atop the parchment paper was a photograph. It appeared aged, but at the same time, it was evident it had been well protected possibly from having been in a frame. Asgore turned the photo upright, and paused immediately. It was an old family photo, with him, Toriel, Asriel and Chara. All were smiling happily, as they posed in front of a fountain from the centerville of the Capitol—back in the underground. "Tori, where did this...?"

"It's one of the few photographs I have been able to keep for all these years." Toriel answered. "I... thought that you should have at least one." Asgore could feel a few warm tears beginning to well in his eyes. Toriel continued. "I had been thinking of the children, as of late... especially of our Christmases spent with them." Asgore slowly looked up at her. "And, it felt as if I were being greedy... keeping the memories to myself, if that even makes sense."

Freedom AU Christmas Collection 2022 [FNAF/UT]Where stories live. Discover now