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A.N. Gus is Ft. Freddy


Francine dusted the snow off of the blanket she knelt down on. She never did find it pleasant to garden while sitting on the cold snow, which only clung to her deep, peanut colored fur. It was part of the reason why she didn't do much gardening in the winter—save for tending to her indoor, potted plants. But this year was when she finally broke the cycle. Only because she'd made a promise. A promise to her late father. That she would grow a winter flower to be a reminder of spring. And Francine had picked out a flower that she knew he'd have found beautiful.

Setting down her small rake, Flo briefly brough her arms up around herself. She rubbed at her arms, though wearing a puffy jacket, simply trying to warm herself up. Though, a part of her knew the real reason behind her light tremors, and it wasn't due to the cold weather outside. Taking a breath, Francine picked her rake back up again and continued on with her task of weeding the garden.

"Wouldn't it just be nice," She started, talking to nobody but herself. "If this cold weather just killed all the pesky weeds, like it does other plants!" The bear yanked out a small fistful of weeds from among the budding winter flowers. Francine's huffed breath of annoyance was visible to her, indicating how cold it truly was. She paused, and blinked. "Ookay... it's really cold...!" She quietly commented.

A few minutes of silence passed by as Francine continued working her way through the weeds, before a different voice called out to her. "Good morning, Flo!" Ears perking up, Flo looked over her shoulder. Gus was standing on the edge of the home's front yard. Her gray-blue eyes lit up a little, and she smiled. "Hi, Gus!" She greeted in return, waving to the bear. "Are you gardening?"

"Yup!" Francine answered with a nod. Gus tilted his head a little, looking intrigued. "In the winter?" Another nod from Francine. She then waved him over. "Come look!" Gus did so, and made his way over to her. Flo patted to a spot next to her on the blanket, simultaneously dusting snow off again. "I didn't know you could grow flowers in winter!" Gus confessed, kneeling down next to her. "You can, but there's only specific kinds that will grow in the cold." She explained. "That's cool. What kinds are there?"

"Well," Flo hummed, trying to think of a few flowers for sake of example. "There's the Daphne, the Winter Honeysuckle," Gus held up a finger, as he politely interrupted to comment, "A very fitting name," Flo giggled, as she continued. "Pansies and snowdrops, just to name a few." Gus quietly mouthed an "ooh!" in answer. "Snowdrop; another fitting name." Francine nodded. Looking down at the flower buds in the garden bed, Gus then wondered, "What kind are you growing now?"

"These ones are a breed called 'Christmas Rose'." Francine answered. The name sure seemed to have Gus' curiosity piqued once more. "Wow. Do you think they'll bloom by Christmas?" He wondered. Flo gently brought a finger up to one of the buds, looking it over. She hummed. "I think they might. I hope so, anyways." She answered, looking back at Gus again. "It would be perfect. Like a..." She trailed off. Gus gave her an inquisitive look. "A 'what', Flo?"

"I was going to say 'gift', but..." Francine's gaze had fallen to her lap, her ears drooping. Gus wondered if he should say anything in response or not, knowing how she was still grieving the loss of her father. "Um..." A bit awkwardly, Gus scratched the back of his neck. "Are you growing them for... for your dad?" Francine nodded shortly. She sniffled. (Gus hadn't even realized she'd started crying a little). "He always liked the flowers I grew, and... he had asked me if I could grow some winter ones... just before he, u-um..."

"Well," Gus began, just trying to lift his friend's spirits a little. "I know he'd for sure think these are pretty." Francine side-eyed him, looking a little puzzled. "Do you know what they look like?" Gus shook his head 'no', and smirked. "But what I do know, is you always chose the prettiest flowers!" Upon hearing that compliment, Francine smiled a little again. "Thank you, Gus." Gus lightly pat Flo's shoulder. "You're welcome." He answered, before then retracting his hand. "So, how long ago did you plant these roses?"

"At the start of November." Francine answered. She continued weeding the flower bed a bit more as she talked. "That's usually a good time to plant them, especially if you want to make sure they bloom for Christmas." She explained. Gus hummed. "I guess it would be." He agreed, while helping Francine weed—a task he'd helped her with before on other brief meetings of theirs. While the two worked at pulling out the weeds, Francine noticed something. "Where's BonBon?"

"At home. He didn't want to be out in the cold today." Flo understood the small bunny's decision, as she could see Gus' breath in the air when he spoke. "Ah, right. It is chilly out, today." She said. "You can say that again," Gus told her, obviously in sarcasm. "But, if it's cold for us, it's much colder for BonBon." Francine nodded. "I don't doubt it." She agreed. "Cold, you say?" A new voice chimed in with. "It seems like a perfect winter day, in my opinion."

"Hi, Fredbear." Francine greeted—her and Gus turning around to see Gold walking up. He nodded in Gus' direction. "Mornin', Gus. It's nice to see you here." Gus waved in greeting. "Hiya, Gold. I was just on a walk and saw Flo. I was just saying high." Gold hummed. "I see." He then looked to his younger sister. "Do you 'employ' any passerby to help you weed, Flo?" Rolling her eyes a little, Francine smirked. "No, I do not." Gold chuckled, taking the teasing a small step further. "Then that must mean Gus helps you out often—if you don't need any other help."

"Gold, c'mon...!" Gus was snickering a little, trying not to laugh aloud for Flo's sake. Gold shook his head, holding up his free hand in a defensive manner. "Alright, alright, I'm done!" Francine raised a brow in slight doubt, but finally smiled again. "Oh, and if you were wonderin', mama's inside with some warm tea." She informed her brother. Gold looked enticed by this. "Mm. Well, I'll be joinin' her then." He said, before gesturing to Flo. "Why don't you come in too? You're lookin' cold."

"I'm... not... really," Gold gave his sister a pointed look. She shrugged a little—just as she shivered. "Maybe a little." Francine half admitted. "Can I join you guys?" Gus wondered, adding, "If it's okay, I guess." Gold smiled and nodded. "Of course, I'm sure it'd be no imposition." He told him. "Thanks!" Francine sighed in a somewhat dramatic manner. "Okay, you've convinced me." She said. Setting her handful of gardening tools off to the side to be put away later on, Francine then went about grabbing her crutches. Gus was quick to help her. "Here, I'll help you up."

"Thanks, Gus." Flo thanked, while slipping her forearms into the support 'bracelets' of her crutches. Gold watched as Gus helped make sure Francine was standing steadily, watching to catch her if she faltered. He smiled at the sight, happy to see that it wasn't just himself and his family watching out for his baby sister. "Alrighty, inside! The tea's probably gettin' cold already!" Francine said, as she managed to safely hurry over to the front door. Gus kept up with her, and went to open the door. "Ladies first,"

"Why, thank you." Flo hummed, as she made her way inside. Gus then looked over to Gold. "You coming, Gold?" Shaking his head a little, and still smiling warmly, Gold walked on to the door. "Yes, I'm comin'." Before he, too walked inside. Gus entered last, closing the door behind them—causing the floral and silver bell themed Christmas wreath to lightly tap against the door as it closed.

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