Chapter 9, Part 1 - Home?

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Trevor awoke from a long, dreamless slumber to a strong scent of sawdust, rays of morning sunlight sneaking past a nearby set of curtains and gently pushing the Meowth's eyelids open. He slowly rose to his feet and looked around to find himself surrounded by a spacious, circular room chock full of lovingly carved wooden furniture, the resulting scent causing Trevor to imagine himself in the middle of a gargantuan forest as opposed to a cozy, comfortable little house which had been finished days prior.

Trevor's mind traveled backwards to the fateful day when this new home was unveiled to both him and Aiden months after their trials at the Dawnbreak Woods several months prior: how he had instantly marveled at the house's sheer size upon lowering his blindfold, Aiden's visceral elation at seeing her house, after being reduced to a pile of ash, now standing taller than ever before, how the friends had helped them at their time of need now cheered and heartily congratulated one another for a job well done...

"Speaking of Aiden..." Trevor thought to himself as he began looking around for any sign of the bright-eyed Scorbunny. He swiftly caught sight of Aiden hanging something to the leftmost wall. Upon seeing Trevor rise to his feet, Aiden instantly greeted him with a giddy smile.

"Ah, you're awake! As slow to get up as ever, eh Treph?"

"Heh, I guess." Trevor dazedly responded before noticing the contents of the poster which she was admiring. "No way, is that..."

Against the wall stood a crumpled poster which contained both Trevor and Aiden's faces placed neatly above the word "WANTED" written in bold, capital letters. The Scorbunny merely offered an sheepish smile in response to her partner's bewilderment.

"What?!" Aiden protested. "I think it's a good memento of our latest triumph!"

"We nearly died, you know." Trevor remarked with a raised eye. "I don't know if 'triumph' is the word I would personally use."

"Well, I think it makes for a nice monument to everything we've managed to overcome. If we ever encounter a seemingly hopeless situation in the future, we can just look back at this wanted poster to remind ourselves that things can always improve! Don't you think so?!"

"...Huh." came Trevor's awestruck response. "That's an... interesting way of looking at it. I never would have considered that on my own."

Aiden excitedly turned towards the newly furnished room which surrounded her, "But never mind that- just look at this place! Isn't it just the best?! Nice wooden paneling, a cozy new fireplace, and look-" the Scorbunny enthusiastically pointed towards the massive staircase perched near the southmost wall. "A whole new story! I have no idea what we're actually gonna use it for, but isn't it the coolest?! Our house is back and better than ever!"

Trevor joined Aiden in admiring the spacious interior of their new home before jumping up in sudden realization. "You know, we really ought to go pay a visit to the Kecleon siblings. We haven't properly thanked them yet, have we?"

Aiden immediately froze up. "Shoot, you're right! Good call, Treph- I completely forgot!" Aiden hastily scrambled towards a nearby drawer, then returned with a familiar pair of goggles cradled in her arms. Despite the various burn marks and wear which riddled its metallic lenses, Trevor nonetheless felt waves of warm comfort surge through his entire body as he strapped the goggles onto his forehead.

"We haven't seen Sunrise Town in a while, have we? Seeing as how we've been stuck at the hospital for months." Aiden asked, voice shaking with anticipation, "You ready, Treph?"

"Of course," Trevor happily responded, "Let's get going right away!"


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