Chapter - 1 Raining Star's

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Rain is a famous idol . Singing , Dancing, Acting , Modelling he does it all in his own way . He is loved by all. Sky his manager and best friend keeps a constant check on his life to make sure he reaches his ultimate potential.

Sky " Rain its getting late we need to be on time for the event. Get up and move." Rain with a pout " What's the point of being a star if i cant enjoy my time, i want to go skateboarding and play basketball, go have an ice cream , make friends."

Sky sympathetically " I know its hard Rain but isnt this what you want , isnt this all that you have been working for. You have never stopped . You wanted to be the best . This is the price you pay." Sky opens the curtains of the hotel window " See all those fans they are all here to see you , you need to show your respect for them and be there for them just as they are there for you ." Rain nodding and reflecting deeply " I do love my Drops ( Rain's Fandom Name ). OK i will do my best for my drops . They are the whole reason i am ME". Sky smiles and encourages his friend.

Ever since college first year Sky and Rain have been best friends , they have grown to love and trust each other's and have always had each others back. Sky's own life was a mess before he found Rain and became his best friend, he takes care of Rain and makes sure all goes well. After college he took over as Rain's manager as he knew that the innocent and clueless Rain would not be able to handle stardom without his help.

Rain chooses his best Blue shirt with sequins hanging that ended just short of his navel showing his tiny waist and white skin tight trousers' which made him look surreal. Sky smiles and nods in approval. The time has come to step out and face his Drops.

Sky ensures security is on high alert and allows Rain to step ahead with Sky following closely. Rain smiles and a huge wave of euphoric fans pour towards him . Security tries to hold them back as Rain approaches his Car for the event.

Sky enters the car first and Rain quickly follows asking the security to be gentle and respectful towards his fans, his drops.

Sky narrates the schedule of events while Rain looks out of his window in a daze , wondering why there seems to be a Storm brewing , then gentle Raindrops fall on his window he traces them with his delicate fingers and wonders will he ever be touched like that by someone he loves . Not knowing that a whirlwind of events will be bringing him closer to the one he loves.

At the event the security firms head Prapai is pacing up and down while waiting for his partner and best friend Payu. Prapai " Payu there seems to be a lot more fans than initially anticipated we dont think we can manage this area". Payu " Dont be so nervous Prapai , we have faced much worse than this ." Payu's confidence eases Prapai.

Prapai and Payu have been best friends since childhood they started this security firm together with Prapai managing the business font and Payu managing the operations . Both are trained in Martial Arts, Body Building and have faces to die for.

Payu is Tall, Well built but lean with delicate features and mesmerizing eyes .Prapai is Tall, muscular with a devilish smile . Both have their fair share of attention. But while Prapai is painting the town red with his scandals. Payu mostly keeps to himself . Both have a no nonsense presence and can make people feel intimidated with just their eyes. They are known as the Devil ( Payu ) and the Beast ( Prapai ). NO one messes with them.

Rain arrives at the venue and takes a deep breath steps out of the car with a bright smile and folded hands to greet his drops. The minute the fans see Rain they start pushing against the barriers , The sheer strength that takes to hold them in their place makes the muscles of the bodygaurds pop out. Rain can see the strain on his security and tries to rush towards the stage when suddenly a few fans climb over the barrier and rush towards Rain .

Suddenly, Rain feels a strong hand on his tiny waist pulling him back , he looks back to see and finds himself staring at the most handsome man he had ever seen looking at him , his back presses against the man and he feels a chill running down his spine, he feels his warm hand on his waist , he starts to feel safe and closes his eyes to savor the feeling. He had never felt like this before . His brain freezes and all he can think of is to hold on to this hand and press against this gorgeous man. He is torn from the grasp of his savior and sent back to Sky who takes him to the stage via another route, Rain looks back trying to find his savior amidst the massive crowd but couldn't see him anywhere It felt like a dream .

Payu was walking closely behind the his star client, he had many celebrity clients but today he had a feeling that he would need to step in, he had never met Rain the famous Idol or taken interest in any of his work but felt a overwhelming need to stay close to him he wasn't happy about the arrangement made as the crowd was greater than anticipated and the last thing he wanted was a disaster on his watch so like a Panther he followed his client , He could sense the panic in Rain and then saw the breach in security. Out of pure instinct he reached out towards Rain and grabbed him , his tiny waist seemed to be made out of porcelain so he kept his grip firm but not tight. He pulled Rain towards him and then their eyes met he saw Rain's delicate features as he looked back at Payu , Payu could not stop looking at his Lips, he felt the need to kiss them the minute he saw them but remembered his place and looked away from Rain . He felt a pull in his heart as Rain leaned against his body, his breath quickened and mouth went dry , He wanted to hold him longer but turned Rain towards his back to protect him and hold back the crowd coming his way. He dint see Rain leave but felt sad to let him go. The brief encounter with Rain stirred up feelings Payu had not experienced in a long time.

The rest of the event moved on smoothly, Rain went on stage to perform a few songs , Payu could not tear his eyes away from Rain . He kept staring at him noticing every delicate feature , every querky move , every glint in his eyes but what caught Payu's attention the most were Rains Lips , the plump soft lips , which were naturally pink and shaped like a heart. He wanted to touch them , feel them , bite them and suck them. he wanted them to be his only his . He did not like the way the people were looking at Rain sudden protective instinct took over Payu, he realized he was being jealous , jealous that he had to share Rain's presence with all these people.

The event ended and Rain stepped off the stage to backstage, Rain could feel that he was being watched but this feeling was not that he was used to , he was used to being watched by his drops but this feeling of a certain pair of eyes on him made him blush he was thinking of his savior, he scolded himself mentally for being so smitten with someone he had just seen for a few seconds , he comforted himself and said " Its all in my head ", he smiled and bit his lower lip. Payu saw Rain smiling to himself and then biting his lower lip a certain feeling swelled up in his chest he found his breath stopped all he wanted to do was freeze the moment and grab Rain and kiss him , Payu shook his head and tore his gaze away from Rain . He couldn't understand why he was acting this way. He had never dated men before but Rain was special to him he felt a connection that he hasn't felt with anyone else. Rain HAD to be HIS.

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