Chapter 1-We see each other again

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I pull my hood down, feeling the air play in with my hair. The royal Palace of Clariness is standing tall in front of me. It's been what? 2 years? No, three years since I last saw them. I quickly make my way to the doors, showing the guards my necklace with my old work written on it. They directly let me through the doors. I walk for a while before noticing that I don't know where I can find one of them. I think for a few seconds and then get in the direction where the second prince used to go with his archer friend. To my surprise, I found him kneeling in front of a red haired girl. That must be the Shirayuki everyone keeps talking about in Tanbarum. Zen put his finger on Shirayuki's lips and caressed them slowly. He then proceeded to put his hand on her cheek and kiss her slowly. They both look happy as they pull back.

- I'm sorry to interrupt your sweet moment lovebirds, I stated while making some steps in their direction.

The white haired boy turned his head in my way and his smile became even larger.

- Y/n!

I smile at him and open my arms for him to hug. I see the red haired girl smile sadly at me when Zen jumps into my arms happily.

- Hey, princess, don't worry. I won't steal your man, I said, smirking.

Her face turns as red as her hair. I let go of the second prince and looked at him.

- You've grown up so much since I last saw you.

- I missed you so much and Izana did too.

My eyes shine as I hear the name of my crush.

- Is he here?! I ask excitedly.

Zen chuckled at me and answered.

- He's in his office, like always.

- Thanks! Why don't you come visit me in my room with Mitsuhide and Kiki? Your girlfriend can come too! I screamed as I ran back to the palace.

I heard Zen answer that he was going to see if he could come. I fastly made my way to the office of Izana. No guard was here so I supposed that he was working alone. When I was on the verge of opening the door, I heard a feminine chuckle and Izana talking in a whispering voice. I opened the door and saw a woman on his lap, his head was in the crook of her neck, probably kissing her. I turned around and slammed the door fastly. Tears were on the verge of dropping out. I went to my old bedroom only to see that things got moved to a room beside Zen's one. Izana really let me go. I was naive enough to think he would wait for me. I get in my room, curl up in a ball on the closed door and let my tears get out. Each time I try to stop crying, the image of him and her in his office is making me cry harder. My heart feels broken into thousands and thousands of pieces.

Timeskip an hour later

I get up, make my way to the bathroom and splash my face with cold water. My eyes are red, my hair's a mess and tears are stained on my cheeks. I look broken, lost. I shake those thoughts away and get back outside. To my surprise, the door is open and I find Maryse, my old personal maid, making my bed. She sees me and smiles.

- Miss Y/n! It's been so long.

Her smile fades when she sees the way I look.

- Oh my god, what happened to you?

- He-he cheated.

She directly understands what I mean and rushes to my side and hug me while I let out even more tears.

- Maryse, I want two bottles of Whisky and when you get them to me, you can go rest for the day.

She nodded and got out of the room fastly. When she came back I was on the couch. A glass was ready in front of me. Maryse handed me the two bottles but hesitated to leave.

- Are you sure I need to leave? Isn't it better if I stay with you?

- Just go get some rest, I'm sure you're tired. Leave me be, I want to drink alone.

She nodded and got out. When the door was closed, I signed and opened the first bottle. I slowly started to drink, thinking back when I caught them both, making out in his office. The image didn't want to leave my memories.

- S. Nawfal

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