Chapter 3 - Funding

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Sneaking out of the manor was not as hard as Cain had expected. His father and stepmother usually kept a close eye on his actions because they feared he'd cause some sort of scandal. Their suspicion was based on the belief that anyone with a commoner's blood was prone to ill intentions.

Well, to a degree they weren't wrong. Over the course of a week, he had successfully pawned off a bunch of items to various shops using the fake name 'Wolf Brooks'.

The surname "Brooks" was common enough for him to not stand out. Furthermore, since he had never attended formal gatherings, not many people knew what the eldest son of the Duclairs even looked like, so it was unlikely he'd be recognized.

And now, finally, he had enough money to attend the first key event he needed to make his fortune.

The air was thick with cigarette smoke from the next hall over as he sat near the front of the auditorium, wearing a white mask and a checkered blue suit.

Many people were attending this auction, and every one of them was wearing their own face covering. The idea of this event was simple. People from all walks of life were allowed to bid so long as they could afford to pay upfront in cash. However, to prevent unfair treatment by the auctioneers, the guests were to wear masks. That way any lower-class lords or even commoners who came into new money wouldn't have to stake their credibility to make a purchase. Nor could their purchases be traced back to them.

Cain particularly liked the idea since he'd spent his whole life being looked down on for his bastard heritage. Any other auction would have reported his whereabouts to his father the moment they learned he was a Duclair.

The chattering died down around him as the auctioneer made his way to the front podium. The stone walls were scarcely decorated with green and gold banners, advertising the items that would be put up for sale. The room itself was not too large since nothing of significant value would be sold there. 

Yet, thanks to his previous life as a thief, Cain knew of two specific items that would help him achieve his goals.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen!" Greeted the auctioneer, standing in a green tailcoat and top hat. He too was wearing a mask, which was gold and white, and laced with pearls. He had a white bow tie and vest under his tailcoat and gestured grandiosely to the crowd gathered before him.

"As you all might know, the proceeds from today's auction will be donated to help the poor. So please keep that in mind as you are bidding. Now, you all know the rules. Raise your sign when you see an item you want to purchase. If no one offers more, you will be escorted to the back to pay in full before you are allowed to purchase another item. Now, let's get this auction underway, shall we?"

Cain smirked to himself, knowing full well that not one bit of this auction would go towards 'charity'. The man who ran it was a villain known for being two-faced. On the surface, he'd make friends with commoners, but in reality, he was a scam artist who would secretly send his goons to rob people so he could sell their valuables in the next kingdom over for twice their worth.

At one point, Cain had tried to apprentice under him but was turned away because he had failed to steal one particular item for his test.

It was an almost magical moment knowing he was about to scam the scam artist. Because this man was going to undersell two very valuable items without knowing it.

The first few items on the docket were small pieces of jewelry, which the man boasted had come from overseas and had great cultural value. Some he even claimed might have magical properties that needed to be unlocked, but Cain knew they had been made in a cheap sweatshop by ill-talented craftsmen.

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