Chapter 13 - A Trick

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Cain's curiosity got the better of him. The invite he'd received from Maddox was for today and he feared that if he missed it, he may lose out on some kind of opportunity. It had nothing to do with the fact that this was the first time, in this or his past life, that Maddox showed an interest in him.

He had no intention of entertaining that man ever again. It was just nice to finally get the attention he'd always craved. Certainly, it was nothing more than that...

This type of auction wouldn't just be selling stolen goods after all. No, they'd also be selling highly illegal merchandise. Magical artifacts, land deeds, blackmail material, etc.

After checking on Norton, who'd been given a ridiculous amount of work by his brother in the west wing, he slipped the man some extra money as an apology for getting him in trouble.

As usual, he sensed a few of the servants keeping a close eye on him. That was fine. He hadn't exactly planned on leaving today but Maddox had piqued his interest. Plus it wasn't like he couldn't give them the slip.

It was a wonder that they hadn't tried restraining him to the house again, but perhaps they were hoping he'd continue to make a debacle of himself like at the Gala?

He grit his teeth and adjusted his jacket, trying to shoo those memories away. Then he grabbed his cloak and circled the garden, making sure to keep his eyes peeled in case he ran into his stepmother again. When he saw that the coast was clear, he dove headlong into the thickest bushes and shoved his way through, taking time to turn around and push branches back in the way so he didn't leave too obvious of a dent.

After some struggle, he emerged on the other side. The thick cloak had protected him from the branches, so his newly commissioned double-sided coat was not ruined. He still took a moment to inspect himself for tears before skirting along the edges of the manor, just under the windows so he wouldn't be spotted.

A few servants were heard talking among themselves around the corner near the stables, and he had to wait for ages until they got back to work. Once it was quiet, he scurried as fast as he could down through the trees towards the main road where he hailed a coach and rode into town.

Before he was willing to go to this new auction, he'd have to find a way to comfortably hide his identity. The blind auction required masks, but this place might not.

Wearing his hood up, he stopped by a medical shop and picked out a half mask that covered the top part of his face. These masks were usually intended to hide horrible disfigurements such as scars, injuries, or illnesses when out in public. It was pure black and less flashy than the blue one he'd been using, but also much less conspicuous.

From there he followed the instructions to the eastern end of the capital, where the high-end shops were located. It made sense for them to host the auction here since rich criminals would be participating, unlike the other auction which was often full of scoundrels and petty thieves.

The address on the card was for a large manor, with two brick towers in the front and curved dark brown rooves. The yard was full of well trimmed bushes, and there were two angel statues on either side of the gate, with a single servant checking cards for those who stopped by.

There was a plaque on the right statue, which read 'Entertainment Plaza: Invite Only'.

The wizened old man at the gate eyed Cain's cloak. "Please try to dress more appropriately." He said in a gruff voice.

Cain realized that just like on the street, his cloak would make him look suspicious here too. And for a gathering place located in the middle of the best part of town, they probably didn't want the attention. So he lowered his hood, revealing his mask, and apologized.

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