Chapter 46 - A Royal Tea Party

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Cain's nerves were on edge as he sat in the carriage, headed towards the palace for his meeting with the Crown Prince. Catalina would be with him, but at a distance to make sure the Prince didn't sense her or dismiss her with his magic. 

Of course, the demon didn't like that she was only going along as a backup plan, but seeing as she couldn't even infiltrate the Duclair Manor anymore thanks to the strange powers that the Prince had used, there wasn't any other option.

She was sitting across from him in her human form as one of their drivers drove the carriage through the canopied gardens and up to the entrance. Upon arrival, Cain stepped out, and one of the prince's servants extended a hand toward Catalina, who politely refused.

"My friend is feeling under the weather, so I believe it'd be best for her to rest in the carriage until our meeting is over." Cain explained.

The servant, decked in an all-white uniform, bowed in acknowledgment and led the way to the tea room.

The palace was enormous, and Cain felt a bit overwhelmed by the impending structure. He subconsciously adjusted his mask, and worried about whether or not the Prince would recognize him from their one brief encounter at the manor despite his disguise. Odds were that he wouldn't, but he couldn't help feeling paranoid. Things would be easier if he hadn't insisted on showing his face that day.

The tea room was in the shape of a large hexagon at the end of one wing. Each wall had floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the gardens, with a gold chandelier hanging above a round table decorated with trays of snacks. Two maids stood against one window with a cart of tea.

The Prince himself stood at the other end of the table, wearing a white coat, black pants, and a gold sash. His curly black hair had grown out and flowed over his shoulders. Various medals and gems adorned his suit, displaying both his status and his wealth.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet the infamous Lord Brooks in person." The Prince smiled brightly, then gestured towards a chair. "Please have a seat! No one was sure what sort of treats you'd enjoy, so I had the servants prepare a little bit of everything."

Cain bowed and sat cautiously while scouting the room for potential traps or assassins. In his pocket, Cain hid the teleporting crystal just in case he needed to make a speedy exit.

"It's a pleasure to meet your majesty as well." He replied. "I was surprised by the invitation. Normally it is the Emperor that I receive a summons from."

"Yes, yes I know, but my father has decided that I should try and get a better understanding of the state of the Empire from someone as accomplished as yourself. You are the people's hero after all. And we nobles tend to play scapegoat when society becomes restless."

"I am sorry to hear that." Cain tried not to flinch when the servant nearest him poured some tea. "I had thought the people would understand that the Chalot Kingdom was to blame."

"You think so?" The Prince leaned in. "How?"

"If they had not tried to assassinate the noble family, this war would never have started, correct?"

"That is indeed true. Yet, commoners don't tend to think like that. They just know that people are getting drafted to fight, and are angry about it. They don't seem to care that we are being invaded."

What a ridiculous narrative. 

"I'm sure the Royal Family will keep us all safe in the end." Cain lied, refusing to sip the suspicious tea. He did not plan on partaking in any of the delicacies either.

"I'm glad to hear that you are so loyal to the crown! As a man helping the people, naturally, you'd understand how difficult it is to navigate social acceptance while doing what's best for them. They could be starving to death and still refuse aid if the person offering food has a poor reputation. Sometimes it's like they want to suffer."

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