Chapter 47 -A Grim Situation

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Cain was certainly in a predicament. After years of acquiring fame and power, he had grown cocky and now was suffering the consequences.

The young blond was strung up similar to how he had his stepmother trapped. His wrists were bound above his head by enchanted dungeon cuffs that were attached to the wall, which forced him into a standing position. He had been stripped of his clothes, and all items on his person had been confiscated to make sure he didn't have any further magical artifacts up his sleeve. Through the bars of his jail cell, a guard stood by, watching him at all times.

The cuffs that held him were his biggest obstacle. The metal had strange symbols carved into them and despite the power of the pearl, Cain found that he was unable to break them.

Two days had passed. Two days of no food or water, and barely any sleep. The hot, mildewy air of the dungeon had him sweating off the makeup from his face, revealing how poorly he had already been before his imprisonment.

The shadows under his eyes only darkened, and his cheekbones grew more prominent in his dehydration. Anyone looking at him now would mistake him for a skeleton in the dark...

The sanitary conditions in the dungeon were better than what he'd left Lena Duclair at least. They had placed a bucket under him, which they'd empty once a night. Overall, it was still a humiliating position to be in, and one he would not soon forget.

How did he believe he could trick the Crown Prince into working with him? When he could hardly get Maddox to work with him at all? Yes, it would have been advantageous, but also impossible. He should have listened to Sabre Maddox when he warned him against trying to play all sides. Settling on the Emperor's approval should have been enough, but no. He had to try for the Prince as well.

Footsteps approaching his cell had Cain half raise his weary head. His vision had become blurred in his current state, and he strained to focus on his visitor as the sound of keys jingled.

"Well isn't this a disturbing sight?" He heard the Princes' voice.

The guard bowed. "I apologize your highness. Had I known you were coming, I would have wrapped something around him so your eyes would not have to see such a display."

The royal raised a hand, silencing the guard immediately as he stood before Cain. "I come bearing news."

Cain wanted to say something witty and venomous, but when he tried, he found his throat quite itchy and began coughing horribly. Oh, the irony...

"You should take pride in what you've achieved. Most commoners never make it out from their stations. You on the other hand have managed to stir an Empire with your actions. Therefore I will grace you with details on your shortcomings." The Prince then tilted his head, making sure Cain was looking at him once his coughing fit subsided.

"We know everything now. On top of the very long list of crimes that Sabre Maddox has committed, we now know he is also working with the Kingdom of Chalot and a warrant has been sent out for his arrest. Your partner in crime is on the lam, and his household has been seized. As for you, we are aware that you two were conspiring together against the Empire, and had enough evidence to convince my father that you'd been fooling him this entire time."

Cain began shaking his head, not sure what he was disagreeing with, but just needing to respond with something.

"All your assets have been confiscated. You are now penniless, and soon the people will know of your treason as well."

"And what..." Cain wheezed out. "Do you plan to do with me after that?"

The Prince looked surprised that he hadn't already figured it out. "Why, beheading of course! But don't worry, we've already reached out to the Chalot Queen to start negotiating a ceasefire. With both of her top spies hindered, their army will no longer have the advantage and we'll soon stomp them out by force."

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