Chapter 2 - Family Matters

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The Duclairs were an esteemed family that ran a Duchy near the capital in the Empire of Sonnet. Generations ago, their ancestor had fought in a war that put the current Emperor's family in power and was granted the title of nobility as a reward for their loyalty.

The family title was only ever handed to male descendants. Because of this, every newly appointed Duke needed to make sure to secure a male heir as soon as they came of age, or at least marry off their daughters to someone worthy of leading the house. Unfortunately, Cain's father, William Duclair, had an affair with a scullery maid before he was properly betrothed. At the ripe old age of 17, he sired an illegitimate son whom he tried to get rid of.

However, since the child was male, his grandfather forbade William from disposing of the kid just yet. It was declared that until the man could produce a second son from his betrothed wife, the boy had to stay.

Thus, Cain was raised out of sight. Hidden away by his ashamed father, and hated by his stepmother, Lena.

Lena Duclair had been betrothed to William to cover up the whole affair. It took them two whole years to have another son, but in that time, Cain's real mother had died from an unknown illness. Taking pity on the child, his grandfather decided to keep him around despite being a bastard child.

Up in the attic, Cain tapped away at the empty parchment, wondering how he should approach the upcoming events, when a knock came at his door.

"Come in." He called, distracted, and in walked one of the many house butlers.

The elderly man wore a gray servant's suit and vest, with his silver hair pulled back to reveal a pair of sharp, withered eyes that peered disdainfully at the young man. His gloved hands were folded behind his back in a show of mock respect.

"It is time for breakfast, young master." The butler alerted him. "Please be prompt and make your way to the dining hall."

Cain dropped his pen and pushed back the chair, causing an irritating screech as its legs dragged along the floor. "Right, of course. Can't keep dear old dad waiting."

The butler scowled and left without another word.

This was his normal treatment. If it were any other Duclair, then the butler would have spoken in a more courteous tone and offered a bow before leaving. Yet the man could barely hide his contempt from his eyes.

All the servants were like that to Cain. They saw him as nothing more than another commoner who dared to give them orders. Not one ounce of respect was given to him, though they were at least smart enough to hold their tongues in his presence. To Cain, it had felt like he was being utterly abused in his past life. But after spending five years on the street, living as a petty thief, he'd encountered far worse and was now grateful that dirty looks were all he received from them.

Checking his outfit in the mirror, Cain adjusted the white collar of his shirt and straightened his vest. In short, he looked like one of the servants, which he now knew was intentional.

How should he greet his family today? It'd been five years since he was last in this situation, and he was feeling an overwhelming sense of Deja Vu.

Coming down the stairs, he took a seat the farthest from his brother whom he very much wanted to stab with a fork.

The marble-topped table they used was long enough to seat over a dozen guests and had a crystal chandelier hanging above it. The chairs were lined with gold and seated with blue velvet. The ceiling had depictions of angels playing instruments, while paintings of noblemen and women aligned the walls of the dining hall.

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