Chapter 4 - Invitation

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Luckily Cain had learned a thing or two about covering his trail in his past life. The attire his brother was referring to was his blue suit and mask that he'd attended the auction with, but now he was wearing a brown vest and pinstriped shirt.

It was a commoner outfit he had picked up at one of the shops on his way back. He used the money he'd earned to bribe a shopkeeper to remain open after hours so he could pick something out quickly. Then he discarded his mask and suit in a dingy alleyway.

Not only did he look different, but he came back on a better, more stable carriage.

The painting was now in a box, so it wasn't as obvious what kind of cargo he had brought home, but he could tell Andrew was looking forward to getting him in trouble for spending money he didn't have.

"Let me guess..." Andrew tapped his chin. "You went out for a few drinks? Probably got carried away with the wine too. That's the only explanation I could think of for why you'd embarrass yourself looking like that."

Cain bit back the urge to curse. "I'm sorry?" 

"Right. I suppose you are the son of a maid so maybe common decency isn't your best trait?" Andrew stepped closer and ignorantly flicked Cain's bow tie. "These clothes are a mockery to the family, and I'm certain father would be furious if he heard you had gone out not only looking like a pig, but probably acting like one too?"

Ah, so that was it. Andrew wanted Cain to offer some sort of favor in exchange for his secrecy. Well, that would be fine so long as the favor didn't interfere with Cain's plans.

"What do you want?"

"There it is." Andrew patted Cain on the shoulder. "Just make sure to turn down today's invitation, alright? And if anyone askes, just do like you usually do and tell them it's because you're not interested."

"What invitation?"

"The Gala of course. As usual, we've both been invited but...Well, you shouldn't need to embarrass yourself again so soon. I'm only looking out for you, dear brother." He smirked.

Cain's mind reeled. The Gala would have been a nightmare to attend. He never wanted to have anything to do with polite society because of the nasty rumors Andrew had already spread about him. The last time he tried to socialize, he learned that pretty much everyone in upper society was under the impression that Cain had some kind of venereal disease due to sleeping around with the servants. Many of the ladies even dismissed him as a potential partner because Andrew suggested Cain was sterile.

Such rumors were pretty much social suicide for any nobleman, however, Cain never found proof to source those rumors back to Andrew and thus was stuck with a ruined reputation.

On top of generally not wanting to attend, if he refused Andrew's request, then his brother would most likely twist his story to make it seem like Cain was out all night visiting whores or something and besmirching the family name even more. He was already on thin ice since he had barely avoided getting kicked out last week and he never knew when his father would draw the last straw.

"Very well." he sighed. "I'll reject the invite."

"Good, good! Then I'll personally make sure not to tell father about....that." He eyed the strange box in the back of the carriage. "Unless it's something I do need to worry about?"

"It's a painting." He explained truthfully. Even if Andrew investigated it, he'd find it was practically worthless. "I got it from-"

"I really couldn't care less." Andrew interrupted him as he returned to the manor. "Crawl back up to your attic, please. You were enough of an eyesore for me this morning."

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