Chapter 12 - Sabre Maddox

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Cain's eyes kept flicking over to Maddox, who seemed occupied by the staff as the auction went on. Whenever a winning bid was announced, he'd step aside so they could pass to retrieve their prize. This at least indicated that the man wasn't suddenly working with the auctioneer. He probably needed the men to help with another secret code, but why was he doing it so openly?

It was here that Cain couldn't help wondering just who exactly Sabre Maddox was.

He only knew him to be a powerful criminal, but aside from his many achievements, the man himself was shrouded in mystery. Even when Cain had apprenticed under him, Maddox never told him more than what he needed to know, and he often didn't know what the grand scheme was until after the effects were announced in the papers. 

"If you needed to know, I'd tell you." Maddox once said, after instructing Cain to steal a book from a commoner's house. The book itself hadn't been special in any way. As a matter of fact, it was a copy of a popular series going around the empire at the time. He'd been confused about why he was to steal something like that but was chastised for being nosy about the plan.

He'd even gotten curious enough to check the book for secret messages or folded pages, but there was nothing.

Afterward, he'd learned that the guard he'd slipped past was from a noble house that had fallen out of honor. Maddox had made a bet with the man, offering him a more prestigious job if he could make sure no one managed to take anything from the commoner. Therefore, the man chose to guard the commoner's most valuable possessions, never considering the possibility that a thief would instead go after an old story book.

It had been one of the easiest jobs Cain had been tasked with, and he accomplished it in record time. Yet instead of being praised, he was let go, because Maddox apparently didn't appreciate an apprentice that was only good at stealing...

"Up next is a painting of the Palace gardens in full bloom!" Called the auctioneer, snapping Cain back to the present.

Sure enough, another painting from the would-be famous artist was up for auction and he glanced around at the bored faces of the attendees. None of them appeared interested.

"Since the last piece by this artist sold for more than expected, I'd like to start the bidding at 30 lyres!"

As expected, Cain was the only one among the crowd to raise his sign. No one else knew what that piece would be worth soon. Currently this unknown artist's paintings were considered worth no more than 10-15 lyres.

"I see 30 lyres going once! 30 lyres going twice!..... Sold!" The auctioneer pointed towards Cain, who was again escorted to the back.

Knowing how much trouble it'd be to get involved with Maddox, he adjusted his mask and kept his eyes down, avoiding so much as a glance at the criminal. Once he was in the back, he waited for the red-haired woman to appear, only for Maddox himself to walk around and hold out his hand.

"Thirty lyres." He demanded.

Cain froze. Why was he taking money now? He hadn't done that with any of the other participants!

Trying to play it cool, the Marquess counted out the coins and handed them over.

"I see the unknown owl has come into money recently," Maddox commented in a lilting tone.

Cain glanced up and was met with a piercing gaze. Maddox was suspicious of him. But...How would he know about his money....? Wait! Cain had used his alter ego 'Wolf Brooks' to open that bank account, as well to make his purchases here at the auction. And since Maddox had his hands in just about every business in the capital, it should not have been surprising that he'd learned of Cain's new fortune.

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