Chapter 18 - Something Changed

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When he thought about it, his relationship with Maddox hadn't been anything special in his previous life. Being his apprentice didn't make him unique since the man usually hired dozens of apprentices at a time. Cain had simply been one of many, and the more he recalled his old career, the more he realized he had never stood out. 

Back then, Cain only ever followed orders to the best of his ability. He'd never used creative thinking or dared put his own spin on a task. If he was told to steal something, he'd steal it. Simple as that. 

By the time he had been dismissed, around six other apprentices had also left, each for various reasons. One apprentice had managed to get their hands on a priceless sword that had once belonged to the previous emperor. They later learned that he had overlooked a dragon scale that had also been next to it and, quite frankly, was much more valuable due to its magical properties. That person got dismissed for ignoring the scale when it was common sense to have grabbed both. 

Another apprentice was dismissed for ignoring protocol and talking directly to Maddox without permission. They would barge into his office unannounced and start rambling about missions they'd wanted to be assigned. 

The others were understandable dismissals. Either they killed the wrong person, stole the wrong item, or talked too much and revealed some of Maddox's plans to the wrong people. As for Cain, he thought he had been doing a good job since he usually obtained whatever he was ordered to steal. 

Maddox had called him into his study, read over Cain's accomplishments, then dismissed him saying, "To be my apprentice, you need to be more than a thief. If that is your only quality, then you're useless to me."

Here in this second life, Maddox seemed to appreciate people who showed ambition. So, now that he thought about it, how would Maddox of reacted if Cain had tried to run off with any of the items he'd been commissioned to steal? 

Had the whole apprenticeship program been a test?

Cains's return to the Duclair Manor was less than comfortable. Firstly, his whole body was sore from the rough night he'd had. Second, he had to wait until he got home before he could properly wash up.

Gideon noticed Cain's discomfort as soon as he arrived and ordered a bath. While the Marquess was getting in, The butler returned with a set of clean clothes but paused when he got a look at the marks all over Cain's body.

Having forgotten Maddox's 'love bites', Cain's hands flew over his chest and neck as he quickly dismissed the servants with a blush.

This was potentially going to ruin any progress he'd made on the butler. Seeing such marks could be considered proof that Cain was indeed participating in sultry acts, just like his brother Andrew said. Though...Technically those rumors were now true. 

Luckily the quality of service he received from the servants wasn't affected by his awkward encounter. Though Gideon went back to acting stiff around him. For the next month, he tried to get the butler to feel comfortable around him again, to no avail. So, he buried his head in work as he planned to snatch some of Maddox's upcoming opportunities.

There were several new businesses that had made a splash in the markets in his past life. Originally they'd ask for loans from the bank, to which Maddox had stepped in and negotiated for a portion of their profits, but if Cain reached out first, then he could invest in them and secure an even better income for the future.

Using the Brooks Crest, he sent out letters to the business owners before they even announced their plans. In these letters, he offered to grant them a large loan with a better interest rate than any bank, in exchange for a percentage of their earnings. He also offered to counter any other offers they may have, and after a few exchanges, got a signed contract with three of them. 

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