Wake Me Up When This Nightmare's Over

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Little did Maze realize that she'd reach her wit's end before the end of the week, because that was precisely how long it took for Maze to come to several conclusions.

None of which were good.

Kass wanted to have sex with her. 

 Maze had never had sex with a girl before. Didn't she have to, like... do research for that? It sounded like spontaneity was out of the question there, and the only reason she knew that was because the second Kass dropped her off at home, Maze spent an hour awake in bed, hunched over her computer, knees to her chest, scrolling through articles on an erotic part of life she hadn't ever considered she'd be involved in.

Maze flopped back on her bed that night, her inner turmoil manageable but still a bother. She'd come to a conclusion in the morning when she was better rested.

She wasn't better rested.

In fact, she wouldn't be rested for the rest of the week. On some subconscious level, the anticipation for seeing Kass again spurred every last doubt she had in her brain that night Kass dropped her off. What were the odds that Kass planned it all so that it wouldn't be spontaneous? Had Kass...? 

Maze shook her head. That was inappropriate of her to think about what Kass did with her personal hygiene in her free time.

But what if...?

Maze shook her head again. The bridge couldn't have been planned because it was a spontaneous suggestion to even go there and paint their initials on the bridge. Sure, it would have been romantic to further solidify the integrity of their relationship through... that, but it wasn't—

Kass had been the one to suggest they spray paint their initials.

Maze groaned.

Everyone seemed to know, too. She wondered if Kass had told Willa the plan ahead of time. Maybe Willa told everyone that Kass would be spending the night with Maze. Maybe everyone and their mother knew what Kass' plan was and—

And now the hickeys were just proof of something that didn't even happen. Maze would have to be blind not to notice the way Brielle had eyed the hickey when she came into work, her shirt collar intentionally popped to avoid prying eyes.

This was precisely how every potential association with Kass was automatically linked back to that night on the bridge and how long, Maze wondered, Kass had been planning to have sex with her.

You're just a narcissist, Maze's brain insisted, and perhaps that was it.

It was flattering to know that Kass wanted her that way, though Maze couldn't quite understand it. Was what they had not enough? Maze quite liked kissing Kass. She especially liked spending the night with Kass under the stars, just cuddling. It made her all warm and fuzzy inside.

Sex just never... popped up in her head. 

Maze sighed. She wished the days would drag on longer, because the weekend was fast approaching and her hickeys were turning yellow and green. It wouldn't be long before the timestamp on her last text conversation with Kass would turn three days old. She had asked Kass to text her when she made it back to her own apartment, and Kass had. That was the last time they talked.

The weekend was coming, and Maze grew a nagging beast on her shoulder that looked suspiciously like the devil, and it preened at her, "Kass wants to have sex with you this weekend."

They'd be at White Rock Park, and Kass would orchestrate something. Like wait until the moment all their friends would escape to the lake and seize Maze for herself. Everyone would know. Wasn't that why Brielle even suggested it in the first place? Kass was just pretending she didn't want to go— 

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