chapter 1 my dearest Pen

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Peneople sat in her living room reading her book when something flew pass the window catching her attention she looked to find a Robin bird sitting on a tree it stayed still until another Robin sudden stood next to it without a second glance the two birds flew around without needing to know if the other would follow almost like iteas stance Knowledge that they together.

Peneople signed to herself as her eyes travelled through the words on her page finally finding her spot Penelope found herself doing the same thing reading anywhere she could find away from her family as of late her mother has turned to more horried ways of getting her daughters married resulting to slim down Peneople's meals which was fine every since last season Peneople has grown more to herself but she still pulled away from people in the ton after spending time away in the countryside Peneople was well nervous among her return, word got out that Colin has been travelling again he left a few days after the ball but after the last ball she ignored him even when he came to say goodbye but she told her butler to lie she had left earlier that day for the courty side as Peneople peered put out the window slightly, she saw the look of confusion and hurt on his face when the butler closed the door but for Peneople to see him and not show her emotions no she was too anrgy and well disappointed she swore that night of the ball she would never dream of been courted by Colin Bridgerton that will definitely not happen, as for Elosie well that is a chapter for another day.

"Letters have arrived " their butler announced pulled Peneople from her thoughts she stood and bowed her head as the butler handed Peneople a letter he smiled at her before leaving her presence, the staff at the Featherington house favoured Peneople more than the other members since she treated them better not to mention she always remembers to give them thoughtful presents on their birthdays, last month was fredwick, the butler birthday of course no one noticed him looking more cheerful his eyes stayed on each person who arrived thinking they might say something ...

It wasn't until a delivery boy knocked on the door with a rather large package covered in brown paper another dress, As fredwick thanked the boy he noticed a signature on the brown paper.

To Fredwick,
Happy birthday
Peneople .

Once the young boy left fredwick ripped open the package unknowingly to himself Peneople was watching from upstairs, a grasped left his lips as he stood staring at a medium size setting chair along with a foot chair the elderly man stood proud and in amazement as he looked at the good furniture which was now nestled against the wall taking a long needed rest, Fredwick bust for joy it wasn't proper for staff to receive gifts especially not of this size but Peneople didn't care her family wouldnt do it and she felt bad seeing him standing all the time besides now she had found something good to spend her money on and it made her smile from ear to ear as well as fredrick who could now rest his swore ankle.

Peneople looked a the letter which made her heart pin 'Pen' was written on the front the familiar handwriting

"Please tell me that's a proposal letter or at least a love note" Mrs.featherington said sounding annoyed to see her daughter had reaviced letters for months and still no ring to show she was desperate to marry all her daughters off and yet she didn't bother to continue the conversation as she stood up from the sofa "I have to leave for a dress appointment" Mrs.Featherington announced looking stern at Peneople.

Since Peneople finally got to pick her dresses she no longer went with her mother and sisters in fact they never asked her to go either... "after all if I'm to find your sister a husband I shall have to find a dress for tonight's ball it should be an interesting one" She said walking out of the room. Sitting by the window Peneople opened the letter and a sudden grasp of her heart came when her thoughts were correct a letter from Colin Bridgerton.

My dearest Pen,

I have been away for months now, I have sent letters to you I know you must have received some one them since my family certainly have i wondered if you had fallen ill my family assured me that you are okay and I thank god that you are, therefore I need to know what is wrong? Why have you ignored my letters honestly I have come to miss your letters seems like I don't have someone to share my travels with.

I will be returning home shorty, I will see you soon Pen.

Best Regards


He sounded upset... it wasn't like she do not find herself sitting at her desk writing letters she wanted to write but everytime her fingers picked her qull and wrote Dear Colin ... the voice of Colin came flooding back "I would never dream of courting Peneople Featherington... not I'm your wildest fantasy" everytime she was reminded of that horrible night her hand released the qull along with her heart breaking ever so more, why was he so fixed on talking to her why did it matter to him, why ask his family if she was ill, surely he should be off enjoying the sights Peneople was that simple wallflower nothing more.
It had become the ninth letter since Colin left the others stayed in a small box among a table everynight Peneople found herself sitting there wanting to read them but each night the view of her garden was a sheer reminder of that night which meant she could never open them not as she know that colin bridgerton would never marry her he would never see her as she hoped he simply wouldn't dream of such thing.. not in Fife wildest fantasies speaking of fife .. Peneople had yet to open a letter addressed from him it had shocked her enough to afraid to know his thoughts, now it was his new words that creeped into her mind I will see you soon Pen.. it set panick in her chest Colin did request to see her before before he left for another travel bit she decided the night before that he would never have her attention again, no dance, no friendship but he was coming home to see her ... Peneople shook her head returning back to reality sitting by the window looking at the flowers that where entering the Bridgretons home that the way it hit her Colin was returning for Anthony wedding not her never for her...

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