Half honest life

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Colin bridgerton who had been sitting in his bed for a few minutes with his journal on his desk eger for the ink to fill the blank pages for Colin he felt the need to discuss the reason jumped out of bed so early after what he knew was probably one of the roughest sleeps he has had in a while apart of the sleepless nights on the boats but of course if anyone asked Colin would say his tiredness was due to he was still affected from his long travel back home but he knew it wasnt that he had never dreamt of someone lile that of a shadow the same shadow from his previous dream it had creeped into his dream and turn it into a nightmare...

The air was cold the wind blew so wildly it felt as if it could cut your skin like paper among quick glance Colin realised he was standing in a park to his right was a tall tree everywhere within sight was grass the sky was black like a winters night a sudden sob came from his left than his right soon the sound was all around him covering his ears "who are you ... " Colin voice sounded scared "what do you want" he asked again suddenly the sound stopped only now a hmm came from behind him making Colin turn back but nothing was there.. just cold darkness for like reason that direction felt rather pointless. The humming had returned but this time now behind him in the direction he faced before turning his back, there was a feeling of warmth running down his back once Colin turned immediately seeing the shadow now closer it wore a Cape completely covering itself, the shadow was arched downwards as if hiding or trying to protect itself even though Colin couldn't see the front he could imagine it was scared

"What are you? who are you ? .. answer me" Colin shouted trying to walk forward but the wind blew against his face suddenly frozen as if something held him from seen the shadow that's when Peneople's humming stopped that's when Colin noticed a hand creep among the shadow shoulder.. suddenly the warmth..


Who was the shadow? Who owed the hand? Why did he dream this???... Colin quickly blamed it on the brandy he had last night but one thing he couldn't denied was how real the dream felt, Colin didn't want to repeat but quickly had written it down in a journal it seemed so real..

"Colin??" The sudden knock and voice of Kate "yes come in " Colin replied letting Kate open the door as he close his journal she smiled at him before telling him Anthony wanted a word after breakfast "Alright thanks Kate.. hmm Kate do you ... do you know much about dreams?" He didnt know why he asked her that it had sort of falling out since it was glued to his mind a flash of curiosity spread onto her face.

"I know dreams are true and given by God" Kate replied as she stared at her ring still stunned at her new life and how different it is... "What makes you so sure?" Colin questioned looking at her he didn't want this dream to be real ans if it was given by God well that gave him more questions.

"Because my dream came true, I married the man I love there for everyday is a true gift one I treasure daily" Colin smiled to himself he was very pleased with his brother's decision he always liked Kate and Anthony who stood behind the door would certainly agree. "Maybe I'll be lucky like Anthony one day even if I manage to find a wife who sees you bad side and fills it with hope... I believe if you just look forward youll find the answer" kate added as she looked out the window

"I dont think I'd find someone eho loves me like you love my brother leaving your home for him that would in my books be the bravest thing a Bridgerton has done so far" colins words had brought a sudden wave of emotions to kate who's eyes had teared up if she was honest there was times she found herself thinking this family accepted her out of pity and well Anthony force. However Colin proved her wrong. "Thank you colin your words make a great deal to me" Kate announced making her way to stand next to him before giving him a hug Colin was stunned a small but hugged her back. "You know I believe a person who leads an honest life is free of evil thoughts" Kate replied smiling at him as she pulled away "thanks kate" Colin said as he fixed his jacket.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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