we are not courting nor friends

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Following straight from the previous chapter.

"Peneople " he sounded nervous like he was a small boy facing his bully but that hardly seemed fair to Peneople as she shook her head tryo g yo stop her thoughts. "Mr Bridgreton... but if you'll excuse me I cannot stand here talking to you" Peneople replied "why not you just talked to Anthony why n-
" I apologise for taken up time with your brother, however he has not cause me any ill it was not him who said "I would never dream of courting Peneople Featherington " his words repeating to herself reminding her why she was hurt and why he shouldn't be so close to her right now, Peneople quickly stepped back as if she had been buried "I suggest you held yourself accordingly Mr.Bridgerton, you would not want anyone to think we are courting " Peneople declared standing straight it was times like this she wish she could pretend that her words didn't hurt her each one was to remind Colin of his foolish betrayal but instead it seemed to pinch her heart instead.

Colin couldn't help but feel hurt by her words the remainder ofhis drunken words very quicy became the wrost thing he has done, by the way she looked at him with hurt not so hidden inside those eyes Colin was becoming aware he did more damage than he wanted to know about.

"Peneople I simply want to see if you're okay"
"I am fine I do not need your help " Peneople spoke it wasn't until she saw the sad expression among his face as he cleared his throat. "After you told him not to speak nor see you again he hasn't been the same" Anthony voice rang in her mind she k ew Anthony had no reason to lied nor did he have reason to fix his brothers mistakes unless it affects the family and Peneople did not think for one minute that her failed friendship with Colin or even Eloise affect anyone more than herself.

"I can be of assistance " colin replied wanting desperately to prove his willingness to fix his mess Peneople shok her head as she had been caught in her own thoughts "I do not need your assistance I'm afraid you might make more suitors run away" she replied
"They weren't your suitors pen" the words slipped out before he realised how bad it sounded the expression on Peneople face prove so. "I didn't mean it as if you are not worthy of them it came out wrong you are my friend and neither of those men are worthy" Colin's words were meant to be kind but after a broken heart the words "you are my friend "  hit Peneople in the heart how could he not see her, why would she never be enough "you will never see me" she muttered quietly but Colin heard it and just as he was about to question her, she stepped forward only to stop right in front of him and  judging from their height she how smell his scent from his chest it made her knees buckle no dhe couldnt go through another heart Colin tried to ingore the sudden movement in his stomach as she stood so close he could smell her scent Vanilla and Rose he havent made norice to the smell before the moment paused the pair unt her final words stopped his heart beating...

"We are not friends"

Colin felt his chest tighten suddenly he was will aware of where his heart was due to the ache her words stabbed him "Peneople please, I just want to fix this" Colin spoke he never begged there had never been a need to until the thought of losing his friendship suddenly became real... he was going to beg her. "You cannot fix this Colin!! you were the one I thought would never be able to hurt me or think I am not good enough and laugh about me" Peneople sounded wounded her eyes floated with tears she wanted to cry but wouldn't... Colin felt his heart break  "I'm sorry pen you are good enough I should never of spoken such lies like that " Colin was about to continue  until an annoying mummy's boy walked up. ...

"Ah Colin and Peneople " Colin turned to see Fife standing there with that ridiculous smirk "to what do I owe your pleasure?"Colin questioned looking at Peneople who held her head down for a moment to prevents tears from falling in someway he felt protective at this moment Fife should never see her upset. "I came to ensure Miss.Featherington is okay I mean after your words last words she looked hurted "

"Miss.Featherington is perfectly fine Fife..  it is none of your concern " Colin said angrily as he's hands became fist by his sides who was he to judge Fife couldn't hold a string to Colin the ego that spread through his veins stopped by fife words "it is if I decide to court Miss.Featherington " Fife declared with a smirk directed at Colin who was about to say something but stopped as Anthony now stood next to him.

Who was he to simply steak his claim it made Peneople feel slightly ill to think she was expected to aloud Fife to court her even worse to think Fife never expected her permission to begin with even though she was hurt by Colin she didn't want Fife to make a joke of her again. "I'm sorry Lord Fife however I have not declared of my interest to marry this year" Peneople finally spoke up she noticed Benedict approaching her watching Fife carefully... Fife looked at her with a type of look one would give to another in a bet if you wanted to win something his expression changed to a smile "of course Miss.Featherington, I was merely putting my name out there for when you declare your hand free" Fife replied bowing at Peneople.

"Peneople are you alright.. you look ill" Anthony suddenly questioned looking between her and Fife before nodding to Benedict who gently held Peneople arm "Miss Featherington may I  essort you to the refreshments " Benedict asked looking at the three  gentlemen he hadn't moved until Anthony stood firmly next to Colin.

Once Peneople was gone Fife shook his head watching her leaves "I was hoping for another show down its always good to see Peneople bold side" Fife commented "watch your mouth Fife, peneople is a lady she deserves respect " Colin replied his fist clenching at his side "like you did" Fife smirked he knew what he was doing "that is between them Fife you know your place" Anthony stepped up having noticed ilthis would be a good time for colin to practice boxing.

"I know my placement simply reminding Colin of his place in Peneople's life isn't as valuable as it once was, maybe its time he aloud other men a chance" Fife stated before walking away. Anthony moved to face Colin "should I remind you were at a gathering it would be best if you didn't practice boxing Fife face in"
Colin looked at Amthony "you didnt need to be here I could handle him"
"With what your fist?? I know Fife has.. his ego placed higher than his manners but that doesn't mean you act among his level Colin " Anthony responded fixing his gloves back on colin raised his brow "what ?? You didn't expect us to stand by and watch a fight you're my brother you fight we fight" Anthony continued as he straighten up walking towards the refreshments.

Colin watched Benedict who stood next to Peneople and Kate they were laughing at his joke "why can't she forgive me?" Colin questioned "that's what happens when you hurt someone who cares for you" Anthony said padding his back "give her time and show her you'll be there for her" Anthony continued "she doesn't want me near her" Colin responded looking at Peneople he wondered how she could smile and make him forget his problem "thats not how it lookes to me" anthony muttered before looking at kate he still recalls all his foolish errors was it natural to screw up until there was nothing but desperate love despite one foolishness once Kate smiled at him as she walked to his side handing him a drink he knew the answer would always be yes and he was foolishly in love with his wife.

"maybe Lord Fife is right.. you should aloud other gentlemen their chance to court her especially if you do not wish to court Peneople yourself" Anthony said feeling Kate squeezed his hand with widen eyes she didn't know what he was thinking..

"I cannot aloud the likes of fife to win her hand their marriage would be ruined by his filthy ways" Colin responded "I did not say by fife, in fact I was speaking with an old friend Mr.Dankworth apparently she has left an impression on him" Anthony said noticing the look of annoyance from Colin maybe this could be fun way to spend the season. Colin nodded before walking away.

"What was that about ?" Kate questioned "oh nothing I'm simply reminding him that Peneople has opinions"

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