Pretty in purple

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Lady Danbury had always held herself in the up much manner she never spoke unflattering words but she could be truthfully honest as she observed the last ball it became apparent that Peneople Featherington had caught notice of Lord Debling among listening to his mother mentioning the pair had been seen walking around the garden party and how taken he was with her, it was clearly obvious as Peneople danced with other other men that she could very well be leaving her walflowerd ways behind including Colin... since Danbury saw Peneople turn down a dance with Colin bridgerton that was something unexpected indeed ohlady Danbury began to believe that this season will certainly have some uptail events that might just make Peneople shine.


Today lady Danbury sent an invitation to the Featherington house addressed to only one Peneople Featherington mind you if it wasn't ordered by Lady Danbury herself for the maid to directly hand the letter to Peneople to prevent Mrs.Featherington or one of her nosy girls would of taken it, Peneople exchanged a smile to the maid "thank you, im sprry but I do not know your name?" Peneople questioned earning a confused look from the young girl "i am Emma Madam" she replied quietly "thank you Emma, here for your troubles" Peneople spoke quietly too as she placed a coin in her girl's hand "oh wow thank you madam " Emma said smiling as she hide the small money in her pocket bowing her head before turning to leave, Peneople remained at the breakfast table holding the card reading the card to herself, how powerful much lady Danbury be really surprised Peneople, to send a letter in such urgency must mean it is important lucky Portia hadn't appeared yet so Peneople didn't have to inform her mother in case she tried to tag along..

Dear Penelope Featherington,
I am arranging a meeting with you this morning,
I will meet you at the dress shop as this is an urgent matter .
I do request only yourself .
Lady Danbury

Peneople grasped lady Danbury wants to speak to her the excitement made Peneople stand up almost knocking over her tea cup which she had long finished, lady Danbury wants to meet me in private... oh god what if she knows about my conversation with Colin which was unchaperoned no she couldn't of known unless she saw or Fife had said it but than he would of told the whole ton but the ton knew nothing, what good would it do for lady Danbury it was obvious colin wod never agree to marrying her just because they spoke alone, Colin swore he would never...

Peneople felt her heart ache she had indeed wasted her time thinking no more.

As Peneople waiting for her carriage she saw the house across from her thoughts of when she used to visit the Bridgretons she missed her visits as her gaze drifted she caught the sight of Colin Bridgerton who stood form in his spot, waiting for someone to appear at the fanily door maybe he was taking Mrs.Bridgerton for a walk Peneople thought to herself before turning over to the young maid who stood next to her just as colin head turned slightly.

"I won't be needing the carriage today Joeanna i think a walk would be better" Peneople stated the young women bowed as she noticed something"Madam" she said as she nodded forward Peneople and her maid began to walk down the path towards the dress shop.

When Colin turned immediately seeing Peneople he watched her with a wondering look where was she going? His mind started to debate whether he should crossed the street or not... Peneople began to walk away in what looked like a hurry.

Colin bridgerton couldn't wait until he could move out its not that he wasn't happy to be living with Anthony and Kate but it seems the newly weds needed their space which is why Colin found himself standing outside awaiting his carriage once he heard her voice colin looked up to find Peneople standing near her house he wanted to talk to her Anthony had already mentioned Kate would check up on her but that wasn't what colin had in mind he was grateful for kate since elosie and Peneople stopped speaking he feared it would affect Peneople since he couldn't help Kate became a helping hand but it was clear she sided with Peneople which she should although she remains close to Colin which he found honourable, colin felt horrible for what he did hurting Peneople was the last thing he wanted to do especially after promsing to protect her and yet as the pair locked eyes Peneople quickly turned to walk away, this would be harder than he thought..

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